Is it worth continuing a relationship with a female fortuneteller?

Is it worth continuing a relationship with a female fortuneteller?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Lately, things have been happening to me that I can’t explain. Maybe it's just a chain of coincidences, maybe something else. I want to ask your advice, and just talk it out.

This true story began in 1985. I, then still a teenager, met a girl. Mutual sympathy, meetings, partings - I’m not the only one familiar with this. But it so happened that in 1989 we broke up completely.

Almost 25 years have passed. Me, already divorced and having an adultdaughter , I find her on one of the social networks. We already live in different countries, each has a past behind us, but, as it turns out, we haven’t forgotten each other. At that time, both were not very happy remarriages. We give up everything in the hope of being together.

On one of her visits to me, my beloved has a bad dream, I calm her down as best I can. During the day she calls me on my cell phonesister and reports that they diedBrother . Tears, leaving ahead of schedule.

A little time passed, we communicated on Skype. My beloved says that she has a short break from work and can come. I'm delighted with, I'm starting to work seven days a week to earn time off. She begins to have strange dreams again, and the further they go, the more unpleasant they become. At some point, I even wanted to dissuade her: the road is long, you never know what could happen while driving. She was supposed to arrive today, but the day before yesterday her mother died...

In January we planned to start a newlife . I somehow feel uneasy. What is this? Trial? A chain of tragic accidents? Or someone's curse? What should I do?

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