Fear for children

Fear for children
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was 20 years old and he was 19. We dated for 2 years, then got married. We had 2 daughters - Yulia and Irina, and 6 years later he dieshusband . Yulia was 3 years old, and Irina was 5 years old.

A year later, my mother-in-law kicks me out of the house along with the children. I rented a house, the pay was not expensive, only $5 a month. Then I met Andrey, he is 7 years older than me. We got married, there were no children for 2 years, but he really wanted his children, and I agreed, gave birth to 2 more children -daughter and son.

We lived for 15 years, he mocked me, beat me, and I forgave him until he rushed at me with a knife. I went to the hem myselfdivorce . After 3 years I fell ill with cancer. The ex-husband doesn’t want to watch the children, he drinks everything. The eldest daughter bought me an apartment in the town (3 rooms). And, it seems, I can live my life and raise children, but the disease began to progress. And if, God forbid, I die, who will the children stay with test-antibiotic.com? They are still little - 12 and 16 years old.

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