Mother-in-law loves only daughter's children

Mother-in-law loves only daughter's children
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My mother-in-law is a good woman, but for some reason she divided her grandchildren. She has two children of the weather, a son anddaughter . Both grew up to be wonderful people, both have already got their own families and both have two children. Only the difference in children is six months, ours are younger.

When my daughter gave birth, my mother-in-law was the happiest grandmother in the world. She constantly spent time with her daughter, helping her with the children. Her matchmakers also paid constant attention to their grandchildren. All in all,help came from both sides. I was so happy with such an attitude towards children that I stopped worrying about myself. After all, it was clear how they would help us with them, and since we already knew that there would be twins, we were preparing for double difficulties.

And so our girls, our beauties, were born. In the first monthmy husband specifically took a full vacation to help me. But I did not see the expected help from my mother-in-law. For her, it was as if there was no birth of granddaughters. No, she, of course, comes to visit us, communicates with them, but she does not give that warmth that should come from a grandmother. From a loving grandmother. But I constantly hear from her what smart little boys her daughter is. How she loves to mess with them.

And all those 15-20 minutes that she spends with us, I just listen to her admiring exclamations about those grandchildren. The girls have been for almost six months now, and I have never heard from my mother-in-law that she loves them too. How they have grown. How they get smarter every day. I don't know why, but it really hurts me.

You know, when she praises her matchmakers from the side of her daughter for their attitude and understanding towards their grandchildren, I have an irresistible desire to point her finger at her attitude and understanding towards her granddaughters. I just have a feeling that it will be a waste of time and spoiledrelationship between us.

I didn't talk about this with my husband. I do not want to torment him with my insults. After all, she, after all,mom . Mom , whom he loves and respects very much. Which, in turn, does not accept his children,, as their own granddaughters. A grandmother who devotes no more than twenty minutes to them, because her dear and beloved grandchildren, born as a daughter, are waiting for her. Well, how can you react calmly in such a case? I don't want to ruin my relationship with her. But how to explain to her that they are also her granddaughters and they need to be loved.

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