Mother-in-law manipulates her illness

Mother-in-law manipulates her illness
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I've been here for about six months nowMarried . My mother-in-law suffered a stroke 7 years ago. And all her relatives consider her a sick person. But I think it’s not right to put such a cross on a person. And him herselfMom is not interested in life. He sits forever near the laptop and TV and does nothing. I could do exercises, work with my non-working part, walk around. And she doesn't even do that. Always waiting for herMy son will give me a massage, but she won’t give it to herself. She got used to this kind of life. ANDI think my husband is to blame for this. Because he spoiled her greatly, too much, even as if he were talking to a child.

Her character is very complex. This is the second time he says to him: “Rent me an apartment, I’ll live separately or I’ll live in the entrance.” He manipulates his son very much. And my son wants me to adapt to her. But I do not want. Cause I know that I'm not baddaughter-in- law I do everything around the house, clean, do laundry, and always cook. I walk him with my mother, I even take him outeat ice cream . But I'm still bad. It's not fairattitude towards me. I tell my husband to go to the doctor and hire a speech therapist.

Then, when the children leave, my mother-in-law won’t want to live with us at all. Since we will spend time only with children 24/7. All thoughts will be about them. And then it will get worse. When she is completely recumbent she will become at this rate. I communicate with her as with a healthy person, I will never perceive her as sick. She's still jealous, that's obvious. When she gets offended by me, that’s it, she keeps her son close to her and doesn’t let him go so that he doesn’t spend time with me.

With her behavior ourthe marriage will simply crack from my and her eternal accusations. ANDMy husband just won’t listen anymore. Although now, thank God, he listens to me and agrees with me in everything. But he can't do anything with his mother. It’s just that I’m not the only one who has to adjust, but his mother also has to get used to me, to my character, I’m not the only one. If I knock on the wall, there will be no result. And if my mother and I start, there will be results.

So what do you think? How to interest her in life? No matter how hard I tried. I very gently tried to hint not to give up, that I would get back on my feet and start traveling, walking, going to parties. And she only feels sorry for herself. I'm used to thisrelationship so that everyone feels sorry for her. And when she starts yelling at me for no reason, I can barely restrain myself.

The cable TV broke, I called a repairman and they fixed it. But she was still dissatisfied, even then she screamed. If she doesn’t like something about the way I look, when I go out into the street, she remains silent and doesn’t talk to me. I think this is too much. He controls his son strongly. He goes out with friends to sit, calls him a million times. I recently went on vacation with my colleagues, and there was hysteria. She didn’t eat, didn’t bathe, and generally retreated into herself.

Why do people give up and stop working on themselves? Many disabled people are told that they will never get back on their feet, but they get up and work towards it. They don’t want to give up and stop living. After all, this is very good. How many disabled people go to the Olympic Games and win?

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