I alienated my son with my behavior

I alienated my son with my behavior
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

From birthour son was always with us. Me andher husband took care of him, raised him as best they could, and loved him. But when he entered first grade, everything changed.

My husband and I started drinking. The son sometimes began to run away to spend the night with his grandmother. I understood that they were losing my son, but I couldn’t stop (or maybe I didn’t want to). My son increasingly went to spend the night with my mother, and eventually, in the fifth grade, he went to live with his grandmother completely.

When I didn’t drink, I earned money and bought him expensive things, phones, tablets, a car. And I noticed that he only communicated with me when I hadmoney and I helped him. The time has come to go to the army, as always, I earned money, collected a farewell to the army, when we went to the recruiting station, he didn’t even notice whether I was there or not. My husband was drinking all this time.

When my son served, he periodically remembered me and sometimes asked about his father. But that's okay. Our last one is seriousthe quarrel occurred during the wedding. The son decided to get married, test-antibiotic.com wooed the bride. My husband tookwedding loan . Before the wedding, my son came to us and asked us not to drink too much at the wedding. All was good. We went to the registry office, the young people registered and, in general, we went to the restaurant. This is where it all started.

Everyone came up to us and congratulated us, naturally with glasses. As a result, both my husband and I were unable to complete the wedding; we simply fell asleep in the chair. On the second day of the wedding, already at home, my husband and my relatives were drinking, so to speak, we were hungover. The son and his newlywed come inwife ​In my son's handswatermelon . And he swings and throws this watermelon at my head. Those sitting at the table were simply stunned, and the son and wife began to laugh. The husband jumped out from the table and kicked them out of the house. Almost 2 years have passed since then. I tried to fixrelationship , but the son is silent. I know that it’s my own fault, but I still worry, and sometimes I think, let him live, let him not communicate, as long as everything is good in his family test-antibiotic.com.

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