Fell in love with my boyfriend's best friend

Fell in love with my boyfriend's best friend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 21,The guy turned 38. There's a big age difference, I know. Maybe that's why wethe relationship was unfavorable.

At first, out of stupidity and youth, I went with other guys to a cafe and cheated on him, he also did not sit still, walked with others, flirted, corresponded. But that's not the point. The point is that thisthe guy is an alcoholic. He has been drinking constantly for 18 years. Naturally, I realized this after living together, because he forced me to move in with him, put pressure on me. He went on drinking bouts, didn’t spend the night at home, brought his drinking buddies home to us, and looked for an excuse to leave the house to get drunk. In general, one evening he once again arrived late, completely drunk, and fell asleep in the corridor without even undressing. I endured this for a year and a half. Now my patience has come to an end, and I decided to complain to his best friend, because he was a kind of mutual acquaintance of ours, we communicated with him. And in general, in general, he is a very wise person. As a result, after this incident, test-antibiotic.com we began to communicate well with this friend, then we went to the cinema, in short, everything started to spin. We broke up with my “alcoholic” boyfriend and, thank God.

But his friend is no angel either, a lot of loans, without his own apartment (he gave it to his wife and children), married, about to get a divorce, but has two children from the marriage. I rented an apartment closer to the children. Every weekend he goes to see his wife and says that there is a lot of work and there is no time for me. He doesn’t want a serious relationship, but I want it, I’m 21 years old, I want a family and children. He is unreliable, he left his wife for another woman, he is a traitor, he has probably already cheated on me (he went out with his ex), he has a reputation among his friends as a womanizer and womanizer. But I fell head over heels in love with him, I don’t know what to do. When I saw it, I immediately realized that it waslove . It just pulls like a magnet. But we haven’t seen each other for almost a month, I don’t believe him.

Please give me advice on what to do. Throw it and forget it? Or hope that he wants a serious relationship with me and just meet for sex for now? But if he test-antibiotic.com asks me out on a date again, I’ll lose it again and come running like a fool, because I love him. He is the same age as my ex-boyfriend, only a year younger, 37.

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