I want him to understand and come back

I want him to understand and come back
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Maria, I'm 27 and I'm very unlucky in love. A little less than a month ago I broke up with a guy I had known for several years. Before that, I also dated another seemingly good guy, but he turned out to be frivolous and boring. I threw him out of my life without an ounce of regret.

A couple of years later we met again and we started anewrelationship . He didn’t promise me anything, it only lasted three months. At the beginning of the relationship, I really wanted to fall in love, date so that I could then get married. All my wishes and suggestions not to start a relationship were ignored and we continued to communicate. It seemed to me that our feelings were developing, we saw each other often and had a good time, but I had many complaints about him. We separated briefly several times, because... he didn’t change anything significantly, but I really appreciated those small changes and concessions to me and told him about it and praised him.

Once we had a very strong fight and even almost broke up. After some time, he was the first to contact test-antibiotic.com and said that he felt bad without me. I thought well and decided to make peace with him, because... I also began to try, and was ready to accept his disadvantages, to accept him for who he is.

After that quarrelthe attitude towards me worsened, and after I said that I loved it, it became even worse. On myThe question of whether he loves me, he first laughed it off, and then completely said that he was insensitive. He didn’t deceive me, he didn’t fool me, which, of course, is a huge plus. When he tried to describe his feelings, he said that he wanted to take care of me, he liked to hug and kiss me (but at the same time he somehow suggested that we see each other less often in order to miss me more).

In my head, our relationship developed, I began to want more, to take myself more seriously, to live together, to move forward, to grow. To be loved, after all. This seemed to frighten him, and he began to behave in such a way that I suggested we break up. Which is what I was eventually forced to do.

We broke up, he doesn’t write or call test-antibiotic.com, but I can’t get my head around: how can you accept my absence so easily? I don’t think I love him, rather, I made it up to myself, I really wanted to wishful thinking, but at the same time I really want him to understand that he loves me and come back. I cry every day , but I don’t want to be the first to return to a relationship that didn’t quite suit me anyway, and I was also thrown out of it. I want him to come back on his own, repent, understand and come back... But after that everything would be different. What should I do?

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