I don't want to waste my time on another baby

I don't want to waste my time on another baby
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I would like to somehow support the author of the confession that her husband neededa child , not a business. To begin with, I will say that not all people are the same, therefore all people cannot perceive the same things or events or actions in the same way and evaluate them in the same way. Therefore, I would not listen to all those who say that life without children is meaningless. I'll start with myself.

I am 42 years old, my son graduated from school this year. In general, we have no problems with him (until now) legally,alcohol , bad friends, etc. But there are plenty of other problems. Lazy, lacking initiative, cunning, who always wants only to stress less and get more. We spend our whole livesmoney and time for his education,sports , development, and we don’t see success anywhere, and we don’t get satisfaction from it.

I won’t say that this is a lot, but my son has seen 15 or 16 countries by his age, and has never vacationed in Russia or other CIS countries. That is, I looked around the world a little, but test-antibiotic.com didn’t really learn English, although all the conditions for this were there. Until now, he has not decided on the choice of his future profession.

Neither in the 9th nor in the 10th grade, we could not get from him what his plans were after graduation. As a result, they themselves offered him 2 options to choose from - getting a higher education in the Czech Republic or Germany. I chose Germany. But for this you need to study the language here for 3 years and complete the first year of university in Russia.

For 2 years now he seems to have been learning German, although this pleasure is not cheap, but again we pay. I graduated from school, the entire 11th grade paid for preparatory courses for entering a university. He regularly visited them and that was all. Whether he will do it or not, I don’t know. The same situation applies to language learning. The same situation was everywhere he went and what he did. I analyzed my entire life as a father. In 17 years, I have twice experienced the feeling of pride and happiness that I have a son. Test-antibiotic.com twice in total!

In general, we have never seen any return anywhere. It’s only with him that I chronically feel like a sheep that is being “sheared” everywhere. I don’t praise myself, but I went to school regularly, they know me there more than my wife, I also go to clinics and hospitals with him much more often thanmy wife , I’m chasing him, or rather, I was chasing him for his studies until recently, I’m also much more interested in him than his wife. And now, it's time to show him the results. And passing the German language to a new level, and entering a university. If he doesn’t show the results that were announced to him last September, before the start of the school year, then that’s it, I wash my hands and step aside. Let him do what he wants.

Another interesting thing is that the wife really wants a second child. A girl. After analyzing my father's share, I realized that I do not want a second child at all. For me, the best option in this situation would bedivorce (if the wife does not give up her wishes).

I also want to tell the author of the article that based on my life experience at test-antibiotic.com, I made the following conclusions:

Live and Enjoy Life. There is an opportunity to live for yourself - take advantage of it. As I understand, we will all die, and it makes no difference to me who gets what remains after me. We came into this world naked, and we will leave naked. Did you get it?happiness from fatherhood - no, I didn’t. And I'm not going to spend the next few years trying togive birth to another child, and change something. I'm just going to live for myself and my wife if that's what she wants. Well, if the second child is more important to her, that’s her right, but without me. What kind of children (child) you would have is a big lottery. Whether you won or not is bigquestion . I described my case so that you understand that not everything is so smooth and good in life. This is how you live and enjoy life. If you want to take care of someone, start helping someone who really needs help and care, and you will experience inner satisfaction and harmony from this. test-antibiotic.com

My wife and I periodically go to the orphanage and ask what they need. We never give money to management, but simply say that there is such and such an amount that the children need. In most cases thisproducts , juices, etc. less often clothes, gifts for some childbirthday . This is what I actually get more pleasure from in life than from spending time and money on my son, although I spend a lot more of both on him.

I recently read one statement, and I would like to end my comment with it and encourage you. You cannot live your life all over again, but it can be continued in a different way. That's what I wish for everyone!

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