I will never love my daughter

I will never love my daughter
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read itconfession of hatred towards one's daughter, many condemn the author, but I want to say that I understand her and I also hate minedaughter . At first I loved her, but she didn't. She always found me disgusting. At first I also stood up for her, forgave her a lot, but over the years the hatred grows. She is 13 years old. Three years ago I realized that I had no hope, and I would remain alone in this life, and I decidedgive birth to another child.

I started looking for a man, only this time not for love, but for convenience (healthy, without hereditary diseases), because on the line of the formerhusband , in my opinion, something is wrong in terms of development. And she found it! She gave birth to a healthy, beautiful child (a daughter), and in addition she found a husband. The character is notsugar of course, but who among us is without flaws. I don't know what to do with my eldest daughter. We need to move her out. The exhusband , stands up for her, and does not want to register her with him, it is more convenient, to be good from a distance. And what should I do?

She doesn't study, swears, gets up for school in the morning, wakes everyone up, 3 test-antibiotic.com years ago she crippled my 84-year-old grandmother, didn't want to go and take the Unified State Exam, I'm already worried about the youngest and myself. She sleeps in an "anthill" of things in her bed, has no aspirations, puts on makeup, screams that everyone should support her, but she won't fulfill her academic responsibilities, because she won't need it in life. Hermy father thinks it's normal. I don't think it's my thing at all.a child , and a foundling, she doesn't look like me at all, my blood type is 1+, and hers is 3+, my ex-husband brought a certificate that he has 2+, but that doesn't happen, he always said to my words that I was abnormal. But I know that I have never cheated on him with anyone.

Previously, there was no money to do a DNA test, and now I don’t even know, it’s probably too late. So I decided to take revenge on such a child: move to the wilderness, register her with me, and then deregister from there without her. And when I retire, file for alimony on her. She also doesn’t want to work as anyone in the future, “she doesn’t need it and isn’t interested in it.” And now judge me, mothers who have good, affectionate children. By the way, only after the birth of my second daughter, I realized that for all 13 years I was raising a retarded child who doesn’t understand words, rolls on the ground in hysterics, as if possessed, screams, breaks everything, hates everyone. Everything is known in comparison, gentlemen.

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