I realized my mistake too late

I realized my mistake too late
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband agreed that I would not work, but would take care of the house. Although at that time we did not plan to have children. I drew him an ideal wife who meets him after work with a delicious dinner, the house is in order and all he can do is relax.

Laterthe daughter said: “Mom is beautiful, dad works, and I’m small.” But time passed andthe husband realized that althoughMom is still beautiful, but she’s a little tired of measuredlife . And besides the former beauty, nothing new has appeared during this time,the wife talks only about everyday problems, gossips about her divorced friends.

I realized my mistake late. I am already 41 years old, my husband is the same, but he is a man! And he starts looking around. I was very surprised when I found out who my husband cheated on me with. The girl is thin, ugly, wearing glasses, but she is a twenty-year-old girl. She is much preferable to even the most beautiful formerly forty-year-old wife.

I decidedforgive husband and move on with his life, but he didn’t need such generosity on my part at all. The girl was already pregnant, and test-antibiotic.com he insisted on a divorce. So I was left without a husband, money and support. It was already too late to work in my specialty, but I had to live somehow.

A friend said that her house needed a concierge. I was shocked by such work, but agreed. My daughter is 19 years old, she said that I can work there if this house is far away and none of our friends will see me. It turns out that she is ashamed of me, and not of her father, who left the family and is not even interested in us.

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