I want to be happy too

I want to be happy too
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I stolemy friend's husband ! Everyone judges me, but it's not mineguilt , he would have left her anyway. And it's not that she's a gray mouse, it's justman walking. Are you saying that he will leave me too? But I don’t need him for good, and since I’ve liked him for a long time, why not be with the man I love!

I live alone, I'm 31 years old. I decided that as long as he stayed with me, it would be good. After all, she’s still alone. I don’t count on getting married to him, he’s not the right person to build a strong family.

I don't feel guilty. What should single girls and women do if there are not enough men for everyone? Well, I didn’t manage to find my man, what now? Sit and wait, and the years go by. WithoutI’ll somehow get by with my girlfriend , and we spent a wonderful two weeks at sea with him. It's just a fairy tale. And I won't give up on it.

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