I hated my mom's friend after her confession

I hated my mom's friend after her confession
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My mother had a very colorful onefriend . She treated me very well, and I doted on her and loved her like my own aunt. She always shared revelations about her life, but one of these stories dividedattitude towards her "before" and "after".

This is an ugly, but very charming and charismatic woman who islife lived withouthusband and raised her son alone. She is somewhat similar to Samantha from Sex and the City. She has always had many lovers who helped her with everything.

And then one day she made a big bet and decided to tell about it. Among her suitors was a major married official,whose wife is dying of cancer. Mom's friend decided to do everything to marry the man when he becomes a widower.

She entered the family as a simple acquaintance, began to take care of her dying rival in every possible way - up to and including changing the court. In addition, she rubbed herself into the trust of her lover's adult daughter, and became her friend. At the same time, her description of "pleasing" thatthe girl's behavior was exactly like her test-antibiotic.com line of behavior towards me.

She was proud to talk about her manipulations, and I was filled with disgust at the meanness of this situation. I just wanted to grab her by the scruff of the neck and kick her out the door. Since then, I prefer to avoid her. Among other things, I am haunted by one thought: what if this loving woman had her eye on my father, and all her good attitude towards me was part of a tactic, like in the campaign she described? What iffather did not refuse to take advantage of her favor? Mom was also shocked by that story, she also prefers to avoid meetings with this acquaintance.

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