I've been waiting for him for three years now.

I've been waiting for him for three years now.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The story of my unrequited love began in my student years. I met a guy on the Internet absolutely by chance, we had a continuous relationship for about 3 monthscommunication , we didn't sleep at night, we communicated. We had a lot of topics for conversation, he was a very interesting conversationalist, supported me, developed my interests and tastes in new areas for me, inspired me to act. We trusted each other very much, discussed the most personal and intimate things.

With all this, I didn't know what this person looked like. Only after 4 months of communication, he posted his photo on the site. It turned out that we live in the same city, study at the same university (which is in another city), even found out that we live on the same street. Although we had never crossed paths before.

I started falling in love with this guy even before I saw his photo. He also wrote that he liked something about me, made modest but pleasant compliments. Gradually we started to recognize each other at the university, smiled, sometimes said hello, but that was it. Once we test-antibiotic.com walked together from the university to my house, but we felt awkward, we were silent on the way, smiled and that was it – that was the end of our face-to-face communication. But as soon as we went online…

I fell in love with him more and more, there was more and more online communication. And then, gradually, it all ended: no new 32 messages from him, no messages at all. I didn’t understand anything until my best friendmy friend didn't show me the new guy she was dating. And it was HIM, my soulmate. I couldn't believe it, it was so painful.

From that moment on, everything went wrong. I didn't insist on communication, but I also wrote to him in moderation. I wantedreturn everything as it was before, but on his part - cold, about three weeks he completely ignored me. I was in a terrible state, and deleted my page, out of anger, because of resentment. Withdrew into myself, and blamed myself for everything.

It didn't work out with him and my girlfriend. test-antibiotic.com She turned him down, and he courted her all this time while I was grieving over him. We stopped seeing each other at the institute, and when we did, he wouldn't say hello to me.

Time passed, we finisheduniversity , and went to different cities. After 2 years of separation, I decided to write to him, I had hope that our communication would be as before. But he answered with short dry phrases, made it clear that he did not need to communicate with me.

For more than 3 years I have been living with a feeling of love for this person, I have tried in every way to help himforget , but I can’t. It doesn’t work. As soon as I start to forget him, I’ll see him in the city, or stumble upon his photos on the Internet. And then depression starts again: I cry at night, my feelings for him are torn apart. He was the first guy in my life, the first one I communicated with so closely, who complimented me, the first one I trusted. I love him so much…

And again, 7 months after our last communication, I again have a panic desire to talk to him, to finally find out why everything turned out this way, to tell him about my feelings. I type a text - and quickly erase it. I can't bring myself to write to him again, to tell him about my love.

After our “separation” I started havingself-esteem issues , I had a sudden weight loss, my hair was falling out due to stress, I withdrew into myself. I am already 22 years old, and I have not had any relationships with men yet. Maybe because I think that I will not find anyone better than him. Or maybe I hope that someday we will resume communication. It is very difficult for me.

Please help me, what should I do in this situation? How can I forget the person? Or should I write to him? Should I tell him about the feelings I have been experiencing for three years? Should I do anything at all? Thank you for your attention, I really hope for your support!

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