I took someone else's wife, but I quickly got tired of her

I took someone else's wife, but I quickly got tired of her
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 22 years old. Three years ago at a party I met an incredibly beautiful girl, all my thoughts at that moment were that with her I would be the happiest person in the world. But there was a problem - she wasMarried . She was 21, I was 19. But Ithe guy is punchy - he took and took what should have belonged to me.

Almost immediately they began to live together. I was already earning good money then, and she worked as a waitress in a cafe. Lived in perfect harmony. But I started to get tired of theserelationships , constantly looked at other girls - after all, this is only my thirdgirl in bed. I tried to break off the relationship after about a year, but a repeated call from her brought everything back. She fell in love with me. Strongly. Very.

After some time, I opened my own store, she quit her job and came to my store. She helped me a lot with documents and cleaning. Sometimes I behave like a pig, I litter everywhere, I don’t take off my shoes at home, and she cleans everything up without saying a word. Test-antibiotic.com is always perfectly clean at home.

A year later, he sold the store, gaining quite a bit of money.money , we went with her a couple of times to France, to Goa, and traveled around half of Asia. And in the process, she didn’t even learn a little English. She's clearly not up to my level. I feel her like a stupid child next to me. Yes, and there are so many girls around me. All I have left is affection, nothing more. He promised to leave Russia together to live, but the process of moving and finding a job would take another couple of years, given her level of English.

In general, the result. She is entirely dependent on me. Loves me more thanmy own mother , she comes from a poor family and, of course, she has no job. I was too busy with business to see any of this. I have no idea how to stop this now. I have never written large texts, the idea may be blurred, but I hope I got the point across. What's the best way to leave her?

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