Why do I need such a family

Why do I need such a family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

In our young family, at first the phrase “I will divorce you!” sounded like something terrible, like an extreme, like a threat. And later it became commonplace. Probably, many people remember the story about the boy and the wolves? The guy created a false alarm, and when the wolves really came, onno one rushed to help him. With words about divorce in marriage, unfortunately, the same thing happens, and sooner or later they cease to be taken seriously.

The first time I rashly shouted to my husband about a divorce, being in the early stages of pregnancy. And all because of some petty domestic quarrel. But then at least I had an excuse - hormones. The husband immediately rushed to apologize and reassure, and I, having received moral satisfaction, took pity and forgave him.

Now we are really on the verge of a divorce. Quarrels grew into far from harmless ones. Basically, they arose on the basis of everyday life and absolute misunderstanding, disagreements and the complete opposite of views on everything. And after another scandal, I packed some things and left with my one-year-old daughter to my friend. What is he? And he changed the locks of test-antibiotic.com and collected my remaining things. When I returned two weeks later, I found the door locked and heard that I no longer had a house. And then I went to look for an apartment to rent.

We quarreled because of nonsense, an ordinary everyday conflict, but we said so many nasty things to each other that it is difficult to imagine further life together. And changing the lock was the last straw.

Now my daughter and I live in a rented apartment. I still can't make up my mind to take the documents todivorce and watch on social media like mine while stillhusband , having fun with our common girlfriends. Congratulates them on March 8, birthdays and gives virtual bouquets. And at this time I'm just collectingmoney in all bags and pockets, so that it would be enough to pay for a communal apartment.

We were together for four years, two of them married. Now the child is one and a half. For the last six months, my husband and I generally lived like neighbors. He left at eight in the morning for work while we were sleeping, and returned at night, when, again, everyone was already asleep. No joint evenings, no walks, no holidays, test-antibiotic.com, no weekends. Who needs such a family? From all sides I hear only that it is necessary to save the family. But who needs it? What to keep? For what? So the baby will at least have a chance to see a joyful father once a week, while not hearing the high-profile scandals of her parents and not feeling superfluous in such a family.

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