My husband's addiction to computer games is putting our marriage at risk

My husband's addiction to computer games is putting our marriage at risk
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 23 years old, my husband is 24. We have been married since March of this year. Together for almost a year. We met at work, everything quickly started spinning, he asked for my hand and my mother's hand after a month of communication.

I was waiting for an official proposal and knew that the ring had already been bought. We went on vacation together. But with each passing day, as if he was delaying this moment, I began to get nervous, and this affected my behavior, the quarrels became more frequent.

Upon arrival he said that he didn't like my behavior and that he was all in his thoughts. I promised that I would be more restrained. Three weeks of ideal communication and in the end, he dumps me. Heintrovert , all in himself, said that he was not sure that he loved me. We crossed paths at work, I was climbing the walls. Having anticipated all the events, I want to say that in life I am a completely different person: always reserved, do not show tears, do not think that someone should run after someone and have never humiliated myself in front of men. In any situation, I broke up, in difficult situations. But here I became vulnerable.

After two weeks of exchanging glances, he was almost wringing his neck, but did nothing, I made the first move. He is an IT specialist, I told him that I havecomputer problems . He came, started kissing me himself and that same day he got down on one knee and proposed to me, promising that he would never hurt me in his life. Preparations for the wedding began, everything was fine, we bought a dress and then it was replaced, he started saying "I'm not sure I want this, I don't know, I'm better off alone."

A whole month of hell, drove me to hysterics, I was nothing. Although there were no quarrels. Even inHe searched for "how to leave a bride, how to get rid of her, I don't want to get married" in internet queries. At one point I told him: "Get out with your things, right now." And he burst into tears and started apologizing. Before the wedding, I waited for him to run away again. Three months after the proposal, we got married. And here, since March, mylife turned into hell. If before I was complimented, walked, spent time together, communicated, then after the wedding he showed himself completely.

He is a gamer. He spends 12 hours on the computer, pays zero attention to me, my requests are fulfilled with difficulty, after 30 minutes, after an hour, after a day, they are not fulfilled at all. Attempts to reason with him were in vain. He spends 2000/3000 on some games quietly, without discussing anything with me. It came to swearing, fights, insults, as a result of which he again wanted to run away. In the end, I already talked about divorce, at first he reacted, and then "come on". When we did not talk for several days, and I already approached him with the idea of ​​​​separating, the answer was "well, go ahead, move out".

Everything is fine in one case - if I am silent. If I do not ask him for anything and do not make comments that we have not had sex for a week or that he sits on the computer for 20 hours. When I am silent, he is kind, gentle and affectionate. Yesterday, while skating with him, I fell off my skateboard, as a result, I walk with problems, it hurts and all sorts of things causepain . I asked him to wash the dishes yesterday, and in the end I did it myself this morning, although he definitely didn't sleep until 3 a.m., he was playing again. Today I vacuumed myself. And when he gets mad, he squeezes me so that I can't breathe, my sore leg wasn't an obstacle for him, he shouted, insulted.

In general, I don’t know what to do. And when I cry, he puts on headphones so as not to hear me. I went to psychologists’ websites and it turns out that he has already contacted me with some problem, but I’m sure that it was in a previous relationship, not with me. Because it’s obvious that he doesn’t care about me anymore. I’m also not happy when I clean up after a stranger, wash, iron, etc. But I do it because wefamily and this is a certain range of responsibilities. And in his life, nothing has changed at all. I talked to my sister, she knows everything, she refers to the fact that too many quarrels and gambling addiction are the basis of all the negative in the relationship with him. Before, before the wedding, he was a completely different person. He did not play for more than 2 hours, constantly showed signs of attention, tried, never ignored my requests, tears. And now, he is not afraid of losing me at all.

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