Greed ruined

Greed ruined
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'll tell you a true story from the life of my classmate. Stas stood out in the class... for his greed. He wanted everything. If someone had something new, he wanted the same, and even better. Only he had to have the best. I must say that he studied well, he got by cramming and perseverance. And in general, he wanted to be the best in the class and not only in his studies, he really wanted everyone to imitate him, so that everyone would want to become like him.

But despite all his efforts, his authoritythe guy didn't use it - he was all fake. So he picked out the most beautiful girl in a parallel class. But Lena was not just the most beautiful, she was also the richest. Her parents were cool, especially her mother. She owned a large production facility, one of the largest in our city. So Stas decided that Lena was just right for him in terms of both money and beauty. The whole school watched him flirt with her. And Lenka had a cheerful disposition, she was a giggler and loved our reckless classmate Vovka. He was very handsome and turned the heads of many girls, but he reciprocated Lena's feelings.

We graduated from school. Stas easily entered the institute, but Vova failed. Lena also entered. Stas fell in love with economics - he wanted to get a job with Lena's mother and then he got there. He quickly got used to it and became her indispensable assistant, and she really wanted to see him as her son-in-law. And Vova and Lena were having funlove , until our giggly girl got pregnant. Vova decided that they would get married, but right before the wedding he suddenly got scared of family life and ran away.

Lenka's mother found out about everything. And then Stas came running. Apparently he decided that his moment of glory had come. He told Lenka's parents that he couldn't live without Lena, and it didn't matter to him that shepregnant , he is ready to marry her and acknowledge the child as his own. I don't think it was all-consuming love for Lenka, but a direct path to her family and their money was open. Lenkadidn't want to marry Stas, but Vova wasn't there, and the shame had to be hidden. Although, if she had been more persistent, the wedding might not have taken place, now many people give birth without beingmarried . But the wedding took place. Stas became a full member of the family and business. He did not feel any love for the child, but he liked being considered cool in the city and having a beautiful wife. So they lived for 3 or 4 years, like a cat and a dog.

And suddenly Vova came back to town. When he and Lenka met, love flared up with renewed vigor. Lenka went to Vova and took the child. The new dad showered the child with gifts and everything was so sweet that it was cloying. And Stas found himself in a piquant situation: at work he is a boss, cool, a respected person in the city, but in reality, it is unclear who he is in Lenka's parents' house.

But Vova was tight on money - his income was a pittance, and then there was Lenka andchild . And he and Vovka decided to sue Stas for child support. After all, Stas has a very good salary. Stas carefully prepared for the trial, did a DNA test (as later found out, he did the test long before Lenka left him). And in court he proved that he would not paymoney for someone else's child. But the incredible happened, Stas suffered a defeat. Probably for the first time in his life. According to our laws, if a person voluntarily agreed to be a father, and this is documented, then it is impossible to refuse paternity. According to the documents, hethe child's father . AndThe court ordered Stas to pay alimony.

That's how this strange story from real life ended. Lenka and Vova live in love with their child, raise the baby, and Stas pays them decent alimony. What Lenka and Vova's conscience says, and whether they even have one, is of secondary importance, but about Stas, one can say that greed ruined the sucker - that's for sure.

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