Women's life story

Women's life story
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

For a long time I didn’t dare to write my life story, but I finally decided to. I understand that not everyone will like what I write, but I tried to be objective and frank. Thanks forunderstanding .

My husband and I have been living for 6 years, we have no children. Everything with us is like in an ordinary average family: everyday life, quarrels, reconciliation,habit , in a word. You come home -My husband is at home, we are together all weekend. If he went out somewhere with friends, it was an outlet for me,holiday . Free time inI really appreciate loneliness , I miss it sorely. In this regard, I began to often go to beauty salons (2 times more often than a well-groomed woman does).a girl my age), shopping, etc. - as long as there is a reason not to sit at home with my husband.

My husband is wary of my gatherings in cafes with friends, so I spend my leisure time this way less often than I would like. Sometimes we manage to get out, but most often with a scandal - the husband is a terrible owner.

Then I began to stay late at work in order to at least somehow be alone. Soon I noticed, test-antibiotic.com, that another employee was detained at the same time as me. We began to communicate closer, then our delays at work smoothly turned into gatherings in a cafe over a cupcoffee , dinners in restaurants, kisses, finallysex . He was divine, and I, intoxicated by his beauty and passion, gained the wings of freedom. And at home she again found herself in a cage.

Then it turned out that mymy lover is married and this made me feel uncomfortable. Being the same jealous owner as my husband, I could not come to terms with the idea that I had to share my newLove . That's why I decided to break up with him.

My willpower was enough for a month. Then again intimate conversations, kisses, passion... Then I began to understand that we were so different, and that I was in no way interested in his soul, I was not interested in how he lived. I understood that before my smart, successfulhis husband is very far away from him.

As often happens in real life, the story did not end there - everything only got more complicated. Recently, at a fitness club, I met a young man who captivated me with his soul and mind with test-antibiotic.com. I'm ready to talk to him all night long. We didn’t have anything with him, but I’m madly drawn to him. I fell in love, I can’t find a place for myself. We text each other, call each other, chat for several hours. Everything was at the level of flirting, no more, there were no hints, but I want to see him again and again, I want to feel the touch of his palm.

I don't know what to do. I decided to finally break up with my former lover, but I’m still afraid of losing my husband - this is stability, a habit,money , finally. But when I wake up next to my husband, I feel sick. I just want to be with my new acquaintance from the fitness club, but he doesn’t know about the existence of my husband. And I’m afraid that if he finds out, our relationship will end.

This is my life story, I hope someone will advise a painless and competent solution to it.

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