Online dating turned into constant threats and fear

Online dating turned into constant threats and fear
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to share one story that I never dared to tell anyone about. I cannot remain silent, it has changed me to some extent.

It all started in April 2011, in a frequently usedsocial networks at that time. Sent me a friend requesta guy with a fake name and other people's photos. Not knowing how everything would turn out, I accepted. The typical “hello, how are you” word for word and he suggested we video chat. Without any left thoughts, I agreed.

He didn’t show me his face, I had to see something else. Immediately discarding, he asked for reciprocity. I ignored him, but he sent message after message, begging me to show himbody (he was clearly inadequate). After checking this person’s page, I discovered intimate photographs that he sent to other users on the pages. Things started to get serious. He told me: “You better show me, there are fewCan problems await you? There was zero reaction on my part, he again “I know where you live, do you want me to come or even steal you?”

I blocked him and sent a complaint to the site administration. I didn’t remember anymore. After 5 months he returned from a different page. That time he pretended that he was the boy who had liked me for a long time, and asked to meet me at school at 4 o’clock. I knew one thing: they were trying to lure me out in this way. Fortunately, everything worked out fine.

For 2 years no one bothered me and, it would seem, everything was forgotten. He returned in 2013. The most interesting thing is that he found me from time to time and wrote from different accounts and I somehow recognized him. By then I had created another page. Nothing stopped him. Wrote me “hello” in PM. Instead of answering, I pretended that the messages were being checked by the girl’s parent and by him, an adult.the guy should not write to her. Left behind.

He showed up in September, how could we do without him? Only he wrote not to me, but to my friend, he thought it was me (something similar). Mya friend told me that an unknown person was harassing her by sending threatening messages. I still remember his words: “Turn on the webcam”, “You once took on too much”, “We with the boysWe’re looking for you in the car every day ,” “we’ll catch you.” All this was meant for me, not for her. Wrong address.

I thought a lot about this topic, why is this happening to me? What the hell does he want from me? There was so much fear. What if he really finds it? Since that time, I have not appeared anywhere on the Internet under my real name, nor have I provided additional information. He disappeared and never appeared again.

I didn’t know what he was, where he was from, what his name really was, I didn’t see him in person. He was literally in and out of my life. I didn't feel any better. I always look around, peer at different cars and people. I'm afraid if we meet one day. Before going out any time, I am afraid that someone will harm me.

I didn’t share this story with my family or friends; something made me remain silent about it.

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