My son's aggression goes beyond all limits

My son's aggression goes beyond all limits
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It's September 1st again. Seniormy son entered the 7th grade, he is 13. In general, from an early age it was clear that he had a difficult, irreconcilable character and provocative behavior, with successful manipulation of others.

His father was divorced when he was not even two years old. So I coped as best I could, from time to time we went to psychologists, frequent conversations with teachers have long become commonplace in our lives. And so. Each time the son shows an increasingly aggressive position. And the position is that everything is allowed to him and nothing is expected from him.

Today, I completely tore up the chair, broke the shelf and scattered everything around the house. This is in response to the requirement to go to bed and turn off the computer. He called me all sorts of names, he said words that were both painful and scary to hear.

Of course I'm not perfectmother , but describe how he dreams of my death, how he hates the whole family, how he hates his brother, and how he dreamed of killing me and my stepfather (divorced a year ago). And strange, yes. I say: “What are you saying here, come to your senses before it’s too late, because you don’t even have a clue what you’re saying.” But he was kicking, waving his arms, and spitting. And I pulled out all the wires I could reach. The speakers were torn off by the roots and the mouse. I turned off the plugs and left the room. He didn't fight for long, then he fiddled with the wires, now he's probably asleep. It’s impossible to even describe everything that’s happening and what’s in my heart.

I’m sure that now he won’t yell at me for some time. And the fact that he promised not to go to school and to send the teachers and director to hell, this may have already happened. Of course, I know how to restrain myself and calmly explain why I insist or ask for something. And I can laugh it off with impudence. But today I'm shocked. From insults, from accusations, from stupidity and deafness to requests. Yes, it was not contained. And they told me to stop holding back and react calmly. To beat him like he deserves.

But this is not a solution. And psychologists said: he is absolutely normal, has the right concepts and has aspirations for success. So why then does he behave this way? I won’t say that I live only for children, but I haven’t dreamed of men for a long time, about 10 years ago. Or should I? Well, it seems the resentment has passed. But it’s not my educational stupidity that’s the problem.

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