They married me without me

They married me without me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 22 years old. A couple of years ago I met a girl. We had the most normal relationship: we are very suitable for each other, respect, understand, love each other. Of course, we also have quarrels, but we forgive each other. We are very happy together, we always dreamed of a life together, we planned everything.

Her friends did not take me well, so she was afraid to talk about me at home for the time being, as she was worried that we would be separated. And we have decided to hide ourrelationship . And, to be honest, thanks to this, we became even closer - after all, no one interfered.

Recently we have becometo swear and this somehow moved away from each other (by that time they had been together for a year). Very rarely they began to communicate and see each other, but they did not finally part, they simply could not. And that's when it all started. I kind of lost my way, started talking to another girl. Tathe girl lives in another city, where mine livesfamily . And I often went to this city. After some time, it happened that she told everyone at that she was talking to me. And they found out at my house too. It all happened so fast that I didn't have time to look back. I didn't want it to be like this.

In the summer I had to serve in the army. Before my departure, we finally had a fight with the first girl and parted, then she did not know about the second one. After I left for the army, I distanced myself from everything. I called the first girl, talked, and after a while we made up and became a couple again. And at this time, when I was in the army, my family decided for me that in the fall I would be engaged to a second girl. I was away from home and couldn't do anything.

The engagement took place without me. I couldn’t tell the first girl anything about this, because I was afraid of losing her. After all, only with her I dreamed of living together. After a while, she learned from someone about the engagement, was in shock, erased me from her life. And I could not do anything, because. was far away. I called, wrote to her, but to no avail. On the eve of the new year, she wrote to me, and we began to communicate again - we simply could not live without each other. She forgave me. I really regretted that then I listened to her and hid our relationship with her. I had to introduce her to my family.

I love her so much, I can't imagine life without her. The whole family already knows about her, but it’s already too late for them, since I’m already engaged. And I want to be with the first one until the end of my life, I want children from her, I want to grow old with her. My family won't understand me and won't forgive me. Everything happened so quickly ... I don’t want to offend the bride either, she’s not to blame for anything, but she won’t understand either.

Don't think that I'm putting the blame on others, I understand that I made a mistake. Don't judge what should have been thought before. I did not think then that everything would go so far. It's my fault, but everyone makes a mistake at least once and I don't want to pay for my for the rest of my life.

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