A childless marriage cannot be happy

A childless marriage cannot be happy
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have two older sisters, and I always imagined a happy and strong family with only children. Childless for memarriage is not a real marriage. But, apparently, I was overzealous in judging childless couples, because I myself suffer from the fact that I have no children.

We’ve been living with my husband for 11 years, we really want a child, but it’s not working out. The fault is minehealth . The husband says that he has resigned himself, but I see how he envies his friends who havea child , or even two or three. I recently baptized a girlwork colleagues , he came in not in the mood, he just waved my questions aside, said that he was tired and went to bed.

Two years ago we got a dog and a cat, so parentsthe husband was told with indignation that it would be better if the child were adopted, and not changed the time andmoney for animals. It was very painful for me to hear this, because I refused this option preciselyhusband , and it’s my fault again. When I offered to take a child from an orphanage, he said that he did not want to raise and invest in someone else's test-antibiotic.com child with an unknown heredity. I help my sister, who has three children, the youngest is only two years old. I love my nephews very much, but I rarely take them home; my husband is unhappy when they come. I think this is just a simple envy of a family that has children, and maybe their presence reminds him that he will never have his own. It's even sadder that he's the only onethere is a son in the family, and the pressure his parents put on him is simply colossal. I understand that sooner or later he will divorce me, because he can become a father by marrying another woman. If I were him, I would never miss such an opportunity, so I won’t judge him.

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