Hopelessly in love with a classmate

Hopelessly in love with a classmate
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to tell you my life story, maybe someone will understand me. Please do not hesitate to criticize and give good advice, thank you.

I studied at night school then, from grades 10-12, according to an extended program. And last year, in September, new students arrived in our class, among them was onethe girl I liked.

But she seemed too proud and arrogant to me, so I didn’t dare just go up to her and take her number, because I was afraid that she would just send me away. And all the time that we were studying, I simply hid my love; I was very rarely at school, because of my work. It was a school for working youth. Those who combined work and study could come to classes two days a week, which is how I studied. But what surprised me was that closer to the final exams, she began to show interest in me. Either he tries to sit closer to me, or he talks to me about something abstract.

My feelings for her only intensified after that, and I test-antibiotic.com began to feel that she liked me too. This special look cannot be confused with anything else. Herthe attitude towards me has changed. But I remained the same indecisive and modest boy, not daring to break our distance. After the final exams, having overcome my embarrassment, I still wanted to approach her and take her number to continuecommunication , but we are lost. We didn't have a graduation ceremony. I looked for her later on social media. networks, but not successfully, she was registered under a different name.

Three years have passed, and I find her in one of the social networks. networks. Knottedcorrespondence , memories of school. I confess to her that I liked her then. Her answer amazed me. She wrote something like, you walk around like this and don’t know that someone likes you. Although I was sure that she knew about my feelings, since sometimes she still caught my careless glances at school and smiled sweetly. In the correspondence he asked if she was in a relationship? She replied that she broke up with her boyfriend six months ago and was not in a new relationship. Then I test-antibiotic.com asked her for her number so that I could talk to her and make an appointment. But she, almost hysterically, refused to write it, hiding behind phrases that she did not like telephone conversations and so on, so on.

Be persistent, but not intrusive, I remembered. He tried all sorts of tricks to find out the number, to which he was almost sent. I left these attempts until next time. For a month, in order not to bother her, I wrote about once a week, with the goal that she would miss me a little, she did not write first. Just recently he proposed to meet her, to which she refused.

After a long investigation into the reason, she finally admitted that she was in a relationship and therefore could not meet with me. How pitiful I was at that moment, my soul was saddened by this news. I wanted to cry. But in response I wrote that everything is fine, she is smart. But I will still find a way for us to see each other. After her question, what will I come up with? I completely lost the desire to invent something.

There was a desire to disappear, even test-antibiotic.com for a while, two weeks, a month. And there is no desire to go intosocial network to see her answer to my last question: “And when I first asked for your number, if I had offered to meet then, would you have refused me then?”

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