My ex-husband was outraged that I didn't wait for him.

My ex-husband was outraged that I didn't wait for him.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Yesterday my ex came to ask for my hand with flowers and champagne. We've been divorced for two years. And he was also unhappy that I didn't wait for him, and startedaffair on the side. Yes, I laughed too. Apparently after the divorce, I should have gone to a monastery, but I went to the registry office.

For Vadim, my firsthusband , I got married at 27, having a pretty decent job, an education (though in absentia), my own three-room apartment and a cat. Vadim had the same set, onlya one-room apartment and no cat. He bought his apartment himself, which for me, at that time, was an absolute measure of independence. When we first started dating, I barely scraped together enough for the first payment on a mortgage, which is why I was filled with great respect for such a thrifty person.

It was later, before the wedding, due to the lack of other heirs, that I inherited the property from my late father. By the way, it was because of the inherited apartment that my mother was not at my wedding. My mother decided to punish me this way, she was very offended that I did not divide the apartment in half with my sister. The thing is that myher fatherI never married her, and she gave birth to a sister from her stepfather. They shamed me andMom , and stepfather, and both grandmothers (common and sisters), saying: "You are sisters, you have to share, you were raised, educated, and you are greedy and ungrateful." I think it is clear to everyone that in the family there was a beloved youngest, Lizochka, and that, what's her name, me.

Before joiningVadim and I talked a lot about the marriage , discussed, agreed on what and how it would be. When to have children, how many, who, what and how to pull on maternity leave and other important things. We settled on a common budget:help to relatives on the principle, first we cover our own needs, then we help. And yes, one more nuance, if we help, then we send exactly the same amount to the other party. Seems fair? And our incomes were approximately equal.

We lived quietly and peacefully for a little over a year, and then my sister-in-law, who had not yet graduated from college, suddenly found herself a little pregnant from an unknown hero. You can throw slippers at me, with shouts of "these are children, I need to give birth", but in such situations, when there is no work, no home of your own, and the father of the child is not even approximately known (drunken parties are like that), the logical outcome is abortion. But my husband's relatives decided otherwise - no husband, but a brother! The sister-in-law was settled in her husband's premarital apartment. And a couple of months later there was a scandal that was initiatedhusband .

In my opinion, they settled us, and settled us, without discussing it with me, without consulting? Well, and the apartment is my husband's, not mine. But this is help for his relatives, right? So I withdrew from the general family budget an amount equal to the rent of the apartment. My husband was furious, but I was adamant, were there any agreements? There were. What is there to shout about now? We got to the divorce much later, when I also withdrew all expenses for providing for my nephews, sister, and husband's parents from the general budget, even if it meant that we only had enough for utilities and basic food this month. We reached the divorce in about two years of such a relationship. To make the scale of help to my husband's family clear, I collected in my hands an amount equal to a middle-class car, taken from a showroom.

And so, by the end of the third year of marriage, my husband, as he put it, was tired of living in hunger with such an income. And he slammed the door and left, and a month later we were divorced. That is, instead of listening to his wife and limiting the desires of his relatives, the man simply decided that I was too greedy. Even the arguments that we also planned to have children, and how he was going to support the child if he was supporting his sister and nephew, did not help. There was my mother crying,sister is crying,the child is small.

He left, we got divorced, well, God bless him, I live on, I don’t bother anyone, until yesterday evening. I was given the great honor of becoming part of the family again, my sister-in-law got married after all, and he, as a private person, is free from obligations, and we can start over. To my question: “And if my sister needs a breadwinner again, then what?” A brilliant answer: “Well, we managed, we’ll help,family , after all." She said that she had to discuss this wonderful offer with her husband and closed the door. There were a number of messages from different numbers with the general content that I was bad, did not wait for his return.

The downside is two years of living on the support of my sister-in-law, the upside is a personal car. Without my ex, I would have gotten over it so quickly.If I hadn't collected the money , I would have squandered half of it.

This is my real life story.

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