Thanks to my mother my childhood was happy

Thanks to my mother my childhood was happy
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This happened in my distant childhood, I was 5 years old then. I was sitting in my room on the bed and humming some children's song.

And suddenly heavy, scary (as it seemed to me) steps were heard in the hallway. It was minefather , he came from somewhere completely drunk and, falling into my room, plopped down on my bed! I ran to the side in fear and, pressing myself against the wall, was afraid to move. My father snored loudly, which made me terribly happy, I don’t know why, and then I heard my mother’s familiar steps approaching, she quickly ran into the house and began to look for dad. Having found him,Mom opened the floor board (they were not boarded up) and, grabbing her unluckyShe pushed her husband by the collar as hard as she could under the floorboard. Having locked it there, my mother whispered to me: “Dad is not at home! Understood?". I nodded affirmatively in response, and we left the room together.

There was a roaring noise from a motorcycle outside the window, and after it died down, several men dressed in police uniforms ran into the house! They began to scour the whole house, looking everywhere they could, crawled through all the closets, looked into the basement, even looked under the beds. And then one of the policemen came up to me and asked if I knew where my dad was? I replied that I don’t know. When they finally left our house, my mother kissed me and left, I don’t know where, but now I’m thinking, probably to work. After all, my father drankevery day without getting enough sleep, and my mother was forced to work two or three jobs in order to somehow feed me and her eight younger brothers and sisters, who were orphaned when I was not even a year old!

I remember how often my mother took me with her to work, how at the age of 25 she milked cows by hand, then there were no milking machines in Yakutia, and how later at night she ran to an empty and dark club to wash the floors there. And I was little, running and playing, chewing cookies and sandwiches. And now I think how much strength and health my poor mother spent so that I could eat normally, dress no worse than others, so that I would not need anything, in the end! Mom passed away too young, she was only 56 years old.

Take care of your mothers, call them more often, let them know that they are still needed and important. Don't make them cry, love them, appreciate them while they are alive.

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