It hurts to realize that I made a mistake in a loved one

It hurts to realize that I made a mistake in a loved one
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to tell you my story and ask for advice on how you would act in such a situation.

I'm 28 years old and I'm just fatally unlucky in my personal life. If my previous failures could still be somehow justified by my little experience and inability to understand people, then my currentrelationships have driven me to an absolute dead end.

At the age of 20 he wasexperience of love at a distance and cohabitation. Thenthe man offered me to move in with him, I went on about my feelings, dropped out of school, cut off relations with relatives and friends and went 1000 km from home. I regretted it after a few months.

He didn’t work a day, sat on his parents’ neck, rarely spent the night at home, and then he started to beat me at all. Miraculously, she escaped from him, although she cried for a long time and blamed herself for the fact that "I'm somehow not like that." Then they didn’t even put me in the hospital with a nervous breakdown.

The next "long-term relationship" was two years ago. I met a married man who honestly told me that he would not leave from his family and advised me to build my life without looking back at him. I then painfully reacted to his advice, but still I had hope that I could finally get out of this vicious relationship, because I met a very nice guy, my age.

At first we communicated well on the network, then agreed to meet. There is a distance of 200 km between us, which did not prevent him from coming to me, and so our friendly meetings gradually became romantic relationships. It would seem that everything suited us in each other. He looked after me, was attentive, cared, just like no one had done before. This had an effect and I finally felt like a beloved woman, although I didn’t jump into the pool with my head, I treated him calmly, with sympathy and respect.

It seemed to me that it should be so, that this is the key to strong relationships, when people trust each other, there are similar goals and values ​​in life. I must say that the guy before me, according to him, had no one, that is, I was his first at This, of course, surprised me, but rather pleased than alarmed, becausethere were no problems in the form of ex-wives or girls.

We recently decided it was time to meet our parents. Since I am very busy at work, and he has a vacation, they decided to go to me. Looking ahead a bit, I’ll say that we both live with our parents and we have the same mothers. We do not move out for various reasons, but the main one is the age of the parents. Both him and my mother are already well over 60, andhealth , as you know, is not the same.

To be honest, I had no doubt that my parent would like it, and she would approve my choice, and then we would think about where and how we would live on. Indeed, at the beginning of the acquaintance, everything was fine, butthe guy stayed with me longer than planned, so in order not to sit idle, he helped us very well. We could not get enough of him, such a clever, hardworking, initiative. But then the working week began, and I had to stay late for one reason or another. He was alone with his mother

I admit that a person can behave differently in different situations and with different people. But so that ... Yesterday he left, andmy mother called me to a frank conversation, from which I learned such things, after which I do not want to see this person anymore. Not only did he allow himself to speak with her in a raised voice, he was impertinent. He could pout and defiantly not talk to her. She said she had not eaten anything all day yesterday. But the most important thing is that he suggested to my mother that he would take me to him (because he cannot leave hismother ), and allegedly "we will hand her over to a nursing home."

While I was away, he never offered hishelping my mom when she had to carry some weights and do obviously hard work (I know, I don’t have to). In my presence, he was always different, I was already glad that my young man was a good host.

But if you believe the mother, then he behaved towards her extremely disrespectfully. By the way, I noticed that by the end of his stay with us, he was nervous and sometimes, even in my presence, he lashed out at his mother for nothing - he didn’t seem to offend, but hurt. It was unpleasant for me, but I was silent, and did not try to do anything about it, I thought that his mother was provoking him.

The guy arrived at the height of the repair and immediately rushed to help us, but instead of agreeing on how we would work in tandem, we spent a lot of time arguing. When my mother told me about everything that happened at our house in my absence, I sobbed.

I feel terrible. I didn’t want to believe that the person I had almost no doubt about and was going to build my life with him turned out to be such a hypocrite and a boor. Now I'm just hurt and scared. I'm afraid he won't respect me either.

It is unbearable to realize that I again lost a year of my youth. It seems that life teaches me nothing. I consider myself stupid. Now I don’t know what to do, it seems that I built a house on the sand at

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