I can no longer endure my mother's love

I can no longer endure my mother's love
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have a very difficult situation andrelationship with my mother. I am constantly annoyed by her behavior, manners, just everything irritates me. She always apologizes to everyone and pretends to be a poor woman offended by life. I struggled with this for a long time, but I realized that I no longer have any strength, I’m just on the edge and I don’t know how I can cope with my emotions and aggression. I even thought that the problem was not with her, but with me, but no, it’s not so. We are probably both to blame, but still there are reasons for my aggression.

MyMother really likes to suck up when she needs something, even to me, not to mention other people. And it annoys me so much. She puts pressure on pity, develops a feeling of guilt in me, hangs up on a conversation with me if she doesn’t like something and manipulates me in every possible way, knowing that in the end I will call her back and it will be as she needs.

She suffocates me with her love, does not give me life. When I left for test-antibiotic.com another city to study, she came almost always on the weekends. After leaving, she always cried, I calmed her down. She loves to whine that she was left alone and everyone abandoned her, which puts a lot of pressure on her psyche. Called meEvery day and forever she didn’t complain about everything, she cried every day: now her head hurts, now this, now that...

I know what you are thinking, that she simply lacks attention, communication, she is alone and I need to support her. But this does not mean that I have to do what she wants and does not give her the right to drive me into a grave. I am constantly stressed, on edge, and cannot relax and mind my own business. If she behaved normally, I myself would be calm and balanced. At the same time, I understand that I love her, I’m always ready to help her, but there is a limit to everything and I’m not made of iron either.

Now my mother has moved in with me, is looking for a job, and wants to live with me, supposedly temporarily. But I understand perfectly well that this is all, test-antibiotic.com is forever and she will never give me a quiet life, she will always strangle me with her supposed love and I will not have my own life.

She is a very cunning suck-up, she will lie where necessary. She generally likes to lie and make things up. We are all not ideals and we can all do this sometimes, but here it is beyond the bounds, without a sense of proportion. This happens to her so often that she already lies for no reason, to everyone, even children and loved ones. She lies about how much she earns, although I don’t ask her for money at all, then she lies that there is nothing to eat, although the neighbors say that she goes home with bags of food, and the refrigerator is never empty. Now she’ll lie here, now there, I never trust her anymore, no matter what she says. I think it is very scary to lose trust in your mother.

As a child, I often got it from her. She offended me very much not only with words, but also beat me: with her hands, jump ropes, a twig, a broom - everything that came to hand. I remember all this, but test-antibiotic.com can’t do itforget and it still hurts me mentally. In my soul I still have hatred for her for all this.

What do i do? I understand that I myself will go crazy soon if I don’t get rid of her supposed care and love, but I can’t kick her out and erase her from my life?

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