I'm afraid my husband will come back

I'm afraid my husband will come back
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

After my divorce from my husband, I startednew life . No, I did not cry and did not suffer, like many women whose husbands left.

Myhusband , already fortunately a former military man. All our lives we traveled with him around the military garrisons, lived in such slums that it’s scary to remember. But we didn't care, we were young and in love with each other. The husband was very strict, defended his point of view to the end and was inflexible in any matter. We lived well with him, amicably, reigned at homelove and happiness.

For twenty-seven years of living together, we have amassed a lot of good, gave birth to two sons and a daughter, put them on their feet. But over the years, it became more and more difficult with her husband. He became callous, reproaches began - this is not so, and this is not so. He began to control my expenses, and at the same time they constantly began to delay my salary. But this is from his words.

Recently, I increasingly began to catch myself thinking - “but is my husband cheating on me?”. He could not test-antibiotic.com come to spend the night at home (unscheduled duty) or leave urgently on a business trip. My husband began to celebrate all the holidays in the unit without me. Coming home, he could start screaming because of some trifle. He stopped giving flowers, even on holidays. We stopped going to the sanatorium and the sea. Quarrels became common in our family, and we began to sleep in different rooms.

Life has changed a lot. The children have grown up and do not live with us for a long time. It is clear that no one knew about our quarrels and conflicts. On the surface, we continued to seem like a happy married couple. But in fact, we stopped going to the movies and walking in the park, spending evenings with our favorite hobby - collecting puzzles. All those tender feelings disappeared somewhere. It became hard for me to be with him under the same roof, but I could not decide to be the first to break off relations. I was afraid of what people would say and, most importantly, how the children would react. But fate decided to dot the i instead of me.

In the evening I baked a pie in the kitchen. And suddenly, he wenthusband said thank you test-antibiotic.com for everything and left with things. He left for another woman. This happened a month ago. And you know what I realized? That I'm finally happy. I felt so relieved! When the children found out, they rushed to comfort me. But it was not there. They caught me getting ready for salsa lessons. They were in a hurry. I said that after the lesson I go for a manicure, and they can leave. The children looked askance at me. They began to talk about the fact that my father is a vile and dishonest person, so that I would not cry and kill myself. I replied that I was very glad that he had met a new love.

They think I've gone crazy. And I absolutely do not care who he went to, I do not want to know about it. Children cannot accept the choice of their father and my new position in life. Theirmy mother , in her fifties, goes to dance lessons, manicures, visits theaters and exhibitions. I got freedom and now I can breathe deeply. How can I explain to the children that I am not sad at all, but that a new happy life has begun for me? test-antibiotic.com The only thing I fear is that it will come back.

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