I'm afraid to trust my ex-husband again

I'm afraid to trust my ex-husband again
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 30 years old, yeschild from first marriage, met secondhusband four years ago (he is now 35 years old). She fell in love and began to live together, everything was great in the relationship, in bed, and if they quarreled, it was only over trifles.

When our marriage was a year old, one weekend I felt bad, my throat hurt, and I decided to go to bed early. Woke up at night to take medicine,My husband is in the kitchen, I asked him why he wasn’t sleeping, he said that he would go now, but he was talking to me and hiding his phone. I realized that something was wrong, I grabbed his phone, and there was a dating site. Startedswear , I wanted to see the correspondence and began to take the phone away, in the end he simply broke it and went to sleep in another room.

In the morning I woke up and also registered on this site to see what the site was like. And there, registration is very simple using a phone number, and if any of your contacts on your phone are registered in this application, then it immediately shows, and immediately appeared on the website test-antibiotic.com, he is listed as “favorite” in my contacts without a name. That is, he took the old phone in the morning and since it was in another room, and we did not communicate with him, he continued surfing this site.

We quarreled, and I said that I would get a divorce since he was looking for other women. Then we finally talked and decided to make peace, he swore that he would no longer be on this site, he loves me and doesn’t want to get a divorce, he can’t live without me. I forgave. After 3 months, I again started to notice that I wouldn’t leave my phone in the toilet and would lock myself (after that incident I started to be more attentive). While he was sleeping, I took his phone and saw that he was surfing this site again. They quarreled again, he went to his parents, they didn’t live for two weeks, he asked for forgiveness, but he also climbed on this site, arguing that if I forgive him, he will leave, and since we live separately, he will communicate there.

I forgave, said that it was the last time, that I would find out again right awaydivorce _ He swore that he didn’t change test-antibiotic.com, he just corresponded, that’s all. And so for two years, because of this dating site, we broke up every three months. This was the scheme: I stop him, he goes to live with his parents, after 2-3 weeks I forgive him, promises that this will not happen again, and again after three months the same story. And in the spring, I already specifically decided to get a divorce, my nerves went to hell, just thinking about how he communicates on the website, at work, or somewhere else, is just like a disease. We were divorced, we haven’t lived since May, and so he started writing again that he wants to reconcile, that he understood everything in these six months, that he doesn’t need these sites (well, he left everywhere a month ago, even before this he started writing about reconciliation ). And now I don’t know what to do and my feelings for him remain and I’m afraid that everything will happen again, my nerves have just become calmer.

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