I'm afraid to offend my sister

I'm afraid to offend my sister
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 18 years old. AllI lived my life with my mother until she left last yeargot married and went strongbinge . My stepfather raised his hand against me, and I had to take our pets and move to the village dacha with my father, since I had nowhere else to go.

I'm studying at a university, and my life has turned into a nightmare. I am constantly on the move, the road from the village to the city takes several hours, there are no trains running here, and there are only two buses, with an interval of 15 hours (on weekdays my dad takes me from the city to the dacha). My morning starts at 04:30, I come home and fall asleep after midnight. On weekends, I can’t even leave here on my own without my dad. Renting an apartment in the city is not an option, nor is moving closer to relatives (due to several pets and dad’s work schedule).

And it so happened that I got a smallapartment in the center of the capital from my great-grandmother. She died suddenly and did not have time to leave a will; according to the law, her housing went to me. Very soon my test-antibiotic.com appearedsister and grandmother with a statement that the apartment belongs to them and in general, 25 years ago before my birth, my great-grandmother dreamed of giving this apartment to my sister. I didn’t argue and allowed her to move in. But they began to press me, persuading me to transfer the apartment to my sister, and my dad “will give it to me in the future” (which, of course, will not happen). They tell me: “my sister has no father and no family, and you live in the countryside in a private house and still complain.”

Recently, my great-aunt, whom I had never met, called me and told me that in the last year of her life, my great-grandmother really wanted to give this apartment to me, there was no talk about my sister. Dad talks about this too. I love my sister very much, she does a lot for our family, works hard, furnishes this apartment from scratch, but I feel unfair, as if I feel guilty for feeling sorry for myself in this situation. My grandmother also actively persuades me to give up the apartment and condemns my doubts.

I will never test-antibiotic.com in my life earn money for my own housing in Moscow, I suffer from living outside of civilization (the village is so remote that the nearest store is six kilometers away, the shower and toilet are on the street, there are not even stairs in the house and you have to climb up using a stepladder). It’s hard for me to study, work and spend so much time on the road. The money from my job is only enough for travel, food andhelp dad.

Will I be a bad person if I ask my sister to move out after graduation? Or at least just move in there with my animals? I can’t move now because she’s against it. Living together is also not an option, because sooner or later one of us will get married. Am I selfish if I do this? Or should I start saving for a down payment on my mortgage and give up my apartment? I know she won't forgive me for this, I feel like I'm taking away something that belongs to her.

I really want to avoid a quarrel between us, I really love her very much, but such a schedule is simply unbearable, and someday it’s time to start an independent test-antibiotic.com life. I am ashamed to complain about my life, because in all other respects I am in relative prosperity, but this regime exhausts me physically and psychologically, depriving me of the strength to study and work, plus I live in a constant feeling of not being at home, I literally have to survive. I just want to live in my own home, avoiding conflicts with my family.

I really need advice from outside people

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