I'm afraid to tell my husband about the divorce

I'm afraid to tell my husband about the divorce
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I live with a husband whom I don't love. He and I have different interests, moral principles, and life principles. The only thing I am grateful to him for is his beautiful daughter.

But now all my thoughts are about another person. Five years ago I met him, loved him very much, but in principle he didn’t need me, but when we broke up with him, he made himself known all the time. It’s like I’ll just forgetlife is getting better, and he will call and start all over again.

When I was pregnant, we just walked with him on the street, talked, it was so good with him, it was calm, but returning home, I realized that I would never be with him. I started pretending again that I loved myhusband .

And just recently he confessed his love to me, he says that he fell in love like a boy. He is 30 years old, and I am 20 and he is also married, but he has no children. I didn’t know how to react to his words, then I thought that he was justthe alcohol got to my head. But then he began to constantly test-antibiotic.com talk about his love.

Somehow I turned a deaf ear to all this and didn’t believe it. And then what I was afraid of happened - he suggested that I divorce my husband. I laughed, laughed it off, and then he came up and confronted me with a fait accompli, saying that by the end of this month he would bring me a certificate of divorce from his marriage and expect future reciprocal actions from me. And then I got really scared.

I don’t know what to do and how to act in this situation. It seems to me that if I decide to take this step, myWhen my daughter grows up and understands everything, she will never forgive me for this. And I’m afraid of my husband: he, one might say, constantly beats me for no reason. And if I say that I’m getting a divorce, I have no idea what I’ll do.

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