I'm afraid to tell the truth about my pregnancy

I'm afraid to tell the truth about my pregnancy
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I found myself in a very confusing story.

Six months ago I broke up with a guy with whom I had toxic relationships.relationship , but I loved him very much, and still love him. We lived together for 4 years.

At first, as always happens, it was like in a fairy tale - he loved us, gave us flowers, carried us in our arms, etc. Then he began to raise his hand and this continued for a year. I couldn't stand it and left him. I rented one room. I talked to my ex, but said that I would not return. He said that he would change, that he would do everything to get her back, or that he would wait.

Two months ago my neighbors introduced me to a very nice, handsome young man. He is rich and wealthy. Everything would have been fine, but I met my ex-boyfriend when I was taking all my things and slept with him “to say goodbye.” All this time I went on dates.

No one has ever treated or cared for me like this new young man. We started sleeping together, but took precautions. Now I find out thatpregnant , due to my ex.

I don't know what to do. I can’t go back to my ex test-antibiotic.com, and I also can’t tell my boyfriend that I’m pregnant from my ex. Trap.

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