I'm afraid of my husband's behavior

I'm afraid of my husband's behavior
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm confused and don't understand what's going on. Four days ago, my husband and I had a fight over a small thing. About a month ago, I asked him to wash my plate after eating to help me wash the dishes. The husband agreed and even sometimes began to wash the containers in which he takes food to work.

I'm not working right now, I'm on maternity leave. I'm torn between housework and a child. My husband is a very demanding and picky person, I try to please him so that there are no quarrels between us. He adheres to patriarchal views on the family and the distribution of responsibilities in the family. That is, he believes that only a woman should always do all the housework. A man does a man's job, somehow nailing a nail, replacing a faucet in the kitchen, whitewashing the ceilings, pasting wallpaper. Naturally, men's work happens once a year, and women's work is required to be doneevery day . Whereinthe wife is obliged to obey her husband in everything and not to argue with him. The husband is the master, the head of the house, the breadwinner.

Everything would be fine, but before the decree he worked not onlyhusband , but also me. And my salary was test-antibiotic.com not much less than his. That is, it cannot be said that he worked alone, and I sat on his neck. At the same time, I did all the housework, and he often allowed himself to criticize me that I was doing something badly. When he did his masculine work - hammering in his nail, he was incredibly proud of himself and boasted that the whole house rests on him alone. I periodically tried to change something, demanded help and, most often, did not receive it, took offense at my husband, sometimes quarreled with him because of this. Everything elseOur relationship was quite normal, and I tolerated this state of affairs.

Decree changed the situation. I no longer bring money into the house and I feel that my husband ceases to respect me. Now everything is as it should be - he is the only breadwinner, and I, it turns out, should obey him in everything. And my request to wash the plate after me, as it turned out, incredibly pissed him off.

We quarreled over a trifle, as I said. My husband was going to personally toast toast, I prepared test-antibiotic.com food for all of us. I washed the pan especially for him, I wanted to help him, to do something nice. And, to her misfortune, she said so. Well, here, husband, I washed the pan for you. To which the husband replied that there was nothing special here, anyway, I would have washed the pan, not him. So I did not help him, but simply fulfilled my duty.

I was indignant that it was not my duty, that I was not a maid, that next time I would not help him and wash the pan, and in general, why he never helps me with the housework. My husband was rude to me, said that I was a bad housewife, and that he would never, under any circumstances, do housework. He reproached me with the fact that I was at home all day and did not have time for anything. So lazy.

I tried to explain that I was busy with the child, that I already cook and clean, and not so bad, and that I personally do not have time to cook anything for myself. Here it is necessary to make a reservation that I often cook separately for my husband and me, test-antibiotic.com, because he only eats very fatty and spicy food, and I can’t eat it, then I feel bad. Of course, I cook, first of all, for him, and for myself, if there is time. And I often sit hungry therefore.

My husband said that he would cook for himself so that I would have time for my personal affairs. As if I would have it even in this situation! I would still spend the lion's share of the time on the child and cleaning. And now, for four days, my husband defiantly does not eat what I cooked, he cooks for himself.

It's easier for me, but the conflict continues. Today I tried to make peace, asked how long he was going to cook for himself. He sarcastically replied that as long asthe child will not grow up, and I will not have more time.

I guess that in his salary he will offer me to live on a separate budget or something like that. The quarrel continues, he will take revenge on me for the fact that I asked to wash the plate after myself and said that I did not have time to cook for myself.

Tired of these games. It's scary test-antibiotic.com to be alone, it's scary to get a divorce, but it's getting harder and harder to live with your husband. Here's how to behave so that there is peace in the house? Give up on everything? So that's what I practically did. And still there was no peace, the husband was dissatisfied with everything. Quarrel, defend your rights? So the husband is even more embittered.

Is thismarriage can't be saved?

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