I'm afraid to leave my husband and leave my child without a father.

I'm afraid to leave my husband and leave my child without a father.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Has he stopped loving me? We sleep separately, there is no intimacy, in response to my attempts to get closer, he says that he is tired or simply pretends to be asleep. Spends more and more time with friends. The conversations end with him saying: “This happens to everyone, it’s a family thing.”life is more than five years and this is a crisis.”

But he doesn’t come to the meeting, I reach out to him, I want to spend a little time with him, just lie around, hug, but he is always dissatisfied and always finds some reason to avoid it. We have practically no intimacy, although I always want him, I don’t even remember when he kissed me. But I don’t want that, I, like all women, want attention, even for at least 5 years, at least 10 years of marriage.

I don’t know what to do, please tell me. He doesn’t go for emotional conversations, I say that he ismistress , says: “Think what you want.” Honestly, I thought about leaving several times, but I’m afraid without him, I’m afraid to leave my son without a father, I’m afraid to lose him, I love him very much, I want reciprocity. But, unfortunately, now I don’t feel it, that test-antibiotic.com he needs me, that he is afraid of losing me. All this is not there, I don’t feel that he loves me, and this makes me scared.

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