What should I do if money has clouded my husband's mind?

What should I do if money has clouded my husband's mind?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have known each other for 5 years, married for 3 years. There is a very small onechild (up to 3 years old). When we met, he was not working, but later he got a low-paying job and life went on as usual. While I was working, I supported him and myself financially. Then she went on maternity leave. It became more difficult - until 1.5 years they paid 16 thousand (oddly enough, it was barely enough for the bare necessities), accordingly, after that they don’t pay. Going to work soon. We had money set aside: my maternity benefits +my mom's money (converted to dollars). My husband and I discussed investing this money in supplying gas to his dacha, and part of the amount, not small, had already been contributed by me. In addition to this, a lot was done by me - this included renovations in his apartment, installing windows at his place.

The main events began just recently. Mymy husband came home and said that the gas workers called and told me to bring another tidy sum. I calculated the money - there was practically no money left for the child’s life and clothes, so test-antibiotic.com as my husband only buysI buy food myself, and I buy clothes for the child and myself. I told him on the phone: “Wait, don’t take it, let’s discuss it - the amount is too big.” And he tells me: “no, I’ve already decided everything, I need it now.” At that time I was walking with the child - I grabbed the child and went home. I found him standing on the threshold with money, I just started begging him not to take it out - he didn’t care, I stood on the threshold - he said, I’ll cross you, but I’ll take it out. I had to use a trick to distract him and simply take out the money. He came back angry literally 3 minutes later, I had to invite my mother (since her money was there) and explain that such a huge amount at once, I had to partially wait until I went to work. I say that maybe not the entire amount is paid in the beginning. I was ready for some, but not the whole amount.

In general, he got angry and said that I stole money from him (these were my own maternity benefits + my mother’s). And then he gave test-antibiotic.com and me an unbearable life as a child. To begin with, he password protected the computer and when I said that the child sometimes needs cartoons (we don’t have a TV), he said, first gas, then the computer. Then he said that he wouldn’t even buy food for the child and said that now he has no money, and I also have to feed everyone, despite the fact that I’m not working yet. Further more! He said that the child and I should go to my mother, since he would be renting out an apartment, and he would go to his mother. To say that I was shocked is an understatement.

I call his mother, share this with her, and she replies that she didn’t give him money for gas, now it turns out that her son is right, and I’m generally, to put it mildly, not ideal. After asking whatthe family , who live apart, replied that they would meet like lovers in a rented apartment. In general, this is terrible. I want to run away from there, but I keep thinking that suddenly he’ll come to his senses, and I feel sorry for the child. Then, after analyzing the situation, I remember that I immediately became bad, how test-antibiotic.com stopped receiving money and giving it to the family. There were 1000 quibbles. As it turned out, I don’t cook, and I don’t wash, and I don’t do anything, although at that time I was spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, trying to keep track of the small child and so that everything would be fine. My mother-in-law said that I was a stranger to her. I went to the hospital - my husband and mother-in-law did not visit, they did not take me away, this was after the operation, only mine took partmom . And, it turns out, I don’t take care of myself (naturally, with a small child, I don’t have enough time for myself), but even here I tried, I lost weight after giving birth, I tried to look normal despite the lack of finances.

Yes, by the way, I was constantly reproached, my husband said that we live at his dacha and in his apartment, and therefore everyone is obliged to obey him. And I wasn’t going to register the child with myself, I registered him with me, where my mother andfather (I was wearing rose-colored glasses at the time and didn’t notice anything obvious around me). In general, I am at a dead end, and I don’t know what to do. The only thing I think is that my husband test-antibiotic.com cannot be corrected, because as soon as I try to start a conversation, he immediately puts me down and says: “first the gas, then everything else” - and this happened more than once or twice.

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