What should I do if my husband hit me?

What should I do if my husband hit me?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have been living together for two years and we have a little daughter, she is 11 months old. Before we got marriedThe husband was so caring, affectionate, attentive.

But after the birth of my daughter, periodic quarrels began, it got to the point that we parted ways and did not live together for a month. Then they reconciled and everything was fine until the husband began to come almost daily drunk. And because of this, quarrels began again.

Yesterday my husband came home drunk again, I offered him a meal, he refused and said that he only wanted to drink tea with a sandwich. I made a sandwich, and he tells me to give him 200 rubles forbeer .

I refused him and explained that my daughter's birthday is in a week and a half and I still need to buy a lot of things. He started asking where I'm goingmoney .

I explained to him where I spent what amount, but he did not listen to me and still asked for money. Then I told him that we would not celebrate the child's birthday, because I did not have enough money for test-antibiotic.com!

My husband got even angrier, started insulting me and accusing me of not knowing how to manage money. He brings me a salary of 14 thousand rubles, of which I need to pay for a loan, forinternet , and for the apartment.

I also got angry and told him that I didn’t buy anything for myself and my child, but heEvery day he drinks beer, and that I'm already tired of it all! He started yelling at me, so I went to another room, thinking that this way he would calm down faster.

But my husband came for me and continued to scream, I said that I didn’t want to talk to him now, after which he began to beat me in the face with screams and insults. Then he took 1,000 rubles from me and went to the dacha.

Now I sit and think what to do next. I now have a bruise all over my left side and a black eye under my eye. I don’t know what to do, I love him very much, but I won’t allow myself to be treated like that. I am writing and crying, I can’t understand why test-antibiotic.com has become like this.

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