What was it: love or habit?

What was it: love or habit?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

People, I would like to talk to you about such a concept asLove . Or rather, ask if you had this feeling, and if so, how did you understand it? Many people told me that love is something that you will definitely understand everything yourself, that there is no need to explain anything. But as the practice of my life shows, either this is not so, or I really still have not felt what love is.

I'm 23 years old and I had seriousrelationships with three girls, met, even lived together, and with each of them there were conversations and dreams about marriage. But in each of these relationships I did not feel all the sensations described above. I simply liked two of them, but still didn’t like them in some way. And in the third there was, in my opinion, everything that was needed. Outwardly, she was ideal; she had no habits that I didn’t like. But when I was with her, I didn’t care whether she was there or not, although during this time she did a lot for me test-antibiotic.com. So, when we broke up on my initiative, what were my feelings?

And we broke up because she was in a hurry and put me in a situation that made the environment around me completely uncomfortable, and even with her appearance, I had to give up many career opportunities. But I had to make a choice between her and my career; I still chose her, gritting my teeth. But somehow, after another quarrel because of her youth and limitations, I could not stand it, shouted at her, said everything I thought about her. A lot of things have accumulated, since throughout the relationship it was difficult for me to perceive some of her meaningless statements. I am a very hot-tempered person and certain things made me angry very quickly. But that's not the point.

Two weeks after the breakup, I wrote her a huge letter with my thoughts, asked for an apology, I even cried when I wrote it, because, oddly enough, I really missed her, and I was very afraid, and I’m still afraid, that test-antibiotic.com I can’t find the best one. She said that feelings have cooled down, but we can try to start communicating gradually, and then we’ll see. I agreed, but from her side I saw only coldness. She didn't care, it was like she was doing me a favor.

This really hurt me, because in the relationship she swore her love for me, that she didn’t have it like that before me, and then in two weeks there was such indifference, as if I had offended her so unrealistically that she couldn’t do everythingforget it, I ended up getting angry and stopped communicating. Then a week later I went to her page, did it all the time, and saw that she gradually began to have new guys as friends, and on top of all this, her ex appearedboy . This angered me so much that I expressed everything I thought about her in a very harsh manner. So, based on this, we can say that I really loved her? Or is it rather some kind of sense of ownership or something else?

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