What's wrong with mom?

What's wrong with mom?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don’t know why I was looking for a confession site, I never did anything like that, I always kept everything to myself, right now I wanted to speak out and find out what you think about this. I will not write a lot of water.

I am 21, I study 400 km from home. There are four of us in the family, there is also a younger sister, who is 11 years old. Dad travels all the time. My family is happy, if it were not formom .

Firstly, she drinks, one might even say, drinks without drying up.

It all started after the birth of my sister. I don't know what happened, but she changed a lot after that. Maybe she has some injuries of her own ... I only know that she has badrelationship with his mother. She is always nervous, always yelling, always blaming me for everything.

Secondly, she is cheating on her dad. This has been going on since 2017. I know about this, my grandmother, relatives, everyone knows, even dad. This guy is always with us when my dad and I are not at home. I told my dad that I saw them that year, but he said that I was still small and I shouldn’t get into such things. Maybe he brought it up alone with his mother, I don't know. It feels like he is in the family only for us, I feel very sorry for him in this situation. He works so hard, and she ...

Thirdly, I have a very bad relationship with my mother. She literally hates me. Each of my visits turns into scandals, and I leave mentally tired from there. She constantly says that I do not help her, do nothing, calls me the last words. I don't call her mom, she doesn't call me daughter. I don't even want to go back there.

I'm already used to it, but every time I hear "news" from my grandmother, all this slander, gossip that she is constantly drunk, rumors ... To be honest, I'm tired. I want to hear your opinion, thanks.

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