Alien but beloved child

Alien but beloved child
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I’ll tell you one real story from life, so to speak, from the other side of the barricades than the author of this confession. Perhaps the author, who hates his wife and her spoiled child, will rethinkhis wife’s action and will be able to understand her. Or maybe not. The story is true, it happened to a friend of my mother.

She and her husband really wanted a child. And if she just really wanted it, then he was on the verge of psychosis. Married for 7 years, but no child. Who is guilty? Naturally, she is.

There was no talk of any analyzes then. A distant Yakut village with one doctor about 40 years ago. And she is also a beauty, of which there are few. And accordingly, according to the deep conviction of the mother-in-law, she had a lot of fun in her youth, and now she cannot get pregnant. But a son cannot be infertile on the grounds that he is not impotent!

In general, they shut her up so much with this child that she almostevery day in tears. The husband goes on a business trip, and she, let’s call it this way, “responds to the advances of her boss.” Well, she informs her surprised husband about her pregnancy.

Everyone is happy, everything is great. She doesn’t say anything to her boss, because she doesn’t need him on his own. Gives birth and returns from the maternity hospital with the baby whenhusband is on a business trip.

The husband comes home happy, she is in the kitchen, he is with the child in the nursery and there is silence. Half an hour of silence. But we need to clarify one detail: they are both Russian, and the biological father is Yakut.

Half an hour later, the husband comes out of the nursery, pours a glass, and drinks in silence. That's all. No clarifications, no conversations, not a single reproach for the entirelife .

I did not allow my mother-in-law or relatives to make any comments. He quit his job and moved his wife and daughter to Yakutsk.

We lived happily. The girl was bathed in love, adored her “father,” and you will rarely meet people more dear to her. And even as an adult, and understanding everything (since there were more Yakuts in her than Russians), she never asked about her biological father. ANDThe daughter’s relationship with him was closer than with her own mother.

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