I don't even know what to do

I don't even know what to do
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I’m only 18, but a lot of things have already happened to me, both bad and good, more, of course, good. It's probably notconfession , but a cry from the soul, I ask you very much for advice on how to get rid of fear.

This story has been with me for some time. It all started with the fact thatMom divorced dad. I moved to another city and found myself a new one there.husband . I was 6. At first everything was fine, but then there was drinking and partying, my life was not so great and I lived with my grandmother for some time so that my parents would calm down. Everyone lived in the same city. Grandmother was more busy with the dacha than with me and I was sent back to my parents.

By this time I was already 8. And then it began. “Dad’s” love was somehow different. At first I didn’t understand... Over time it got worse.

A few years ago they separated. He didn’t have time to do anything like that, but I had enough of his attempts, spying and all his other bullying.

Now I’m dating a boy, we’ve been together for almost three years, I’m terribly afraid of his father. test-antibiotic.com I'm wildly afraid of the fathers of all my friends and girlfriends. I’m also currently studying at a university, already in my second year. There aren't many, but there are still male teachers. I just shudder at the thought of taking the exams one-on-one. I don't know how to overcome myself and get rid of this fear. I understand that not everyone is like that, but I can’t help it.

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