Even after my wife cheated, I don't want a divorce

Even after my wife cheated, I don't want a divorce
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 21 years old, 5 days ago, I learned something I can'tforget . No one can give me answers to all my questions.

The essencethe problem is: 5 days ago it arrivesmy wife is home, her phone rang, she doesn’t pick up, I ask you to give me the phone so I can look at it (in all 5 years of my life together I have never asked for it). At first she refuses, saying that she is callingmom and that she will have time to talk to her, because. I was very tired at work. After all this, she still gave me the phone, and I saw something that I would never want to see. Why the suspicions at all and why did I first ask for a phone number, you ask, but I will say that a month ago she got a job in another city (that’s where she livesmother ). Working 2 through 2, both me and her, she began to spend the night with her mother for the first day, then she began to stay in that city for 3-4 days at a time.

During conversations, test-antibiotic.com stopped saying kind words, being interested in something, as if she began to forget about me, hence all the suspicions. After I saw a love correspondence with one person from her work, I heard the phrase “I want a divorce” and then my vision almost grew dim. I read further and ignored her words, to which she began to somehow bring me into conversation. Soon, from another correspondence with her friend, I find out that she gave the child to her, she told me that she went to her mother again, and told her mother that she went home and that I took the child from kindergarten (this happened 2 days before her exposure) . As a result of everything, I found out that she cheated on me with him, I, of course, let’s find out the reason why she did all this, to which it was said that he gave her what I did not give her in all 5 years of our common life (and in principle I won’t give it for the wholelife , since my principles and concepts of life are very different from hers).

According to test-antibiotic.com, at the end of just a 2-day conversation, we came to the conclusion that we need to save the family and move on with our lives and try to forget it all. Today (5 days after the conversation) I find out that she doesn’t love me and still wants to live without me, that she doesn’t need me, and so on. Please tell me what I should do, how to solve this problem, because... She andmy daughter is my whole life and I don’t even see another.

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