Even in this situation, I don't want to risk my marriage

Even in this situation, I don't want to risk my marriage
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 30 years old, I have a lot of failures behind memarriage (lived for 2 years). The only joy from the exhusband -beautiful daughter . He drank, he cheated, he raised his hand. The last straw was that I was caught cheating with my friend. She went to her parents and withdrew into herself. Since there was no one to share my pain with and to distract myself (I didn’t trust anyone), I started drinking. The child was left to the grandmothers (the parents of the ex-husband helped in every possible way).

A year later, I realized that I could no longer control myself when it came to drinking. I asked my family to help me. So I ended up in another city in a rehabilitation center for alcohol and drug addicts. I stayed there for six months. She began to settle in a new city in order to take the child away from her mother.

I met a man and began to live together (he is also divorced and has two children from his first marriage, also girls). So, six months later, I was able to bring my daughter to live with me. Now we all live together, neither me norThe husband doesn’t drink, the child is happy, she has finally found a real father.

I began to move away from my husband. It’s as if we’ve been married for 20 years test-antibiotic.com. Intimacy has become a test, he needs it every day, but I don’t want it. I try not to show it, I don’t want to offend or upset him, because the problem is me, not him. Due to my illness, addiction, I am hypersensitive and any little thing can make me angry. I’m trying to restrain myself so as not to break down, I take special medications. Perhaps they have that effect.

What is this? Am I overindulging in a good attitude towards myself? It can’t be blamed on frigidity either, I’m attracted to other men, they even excite me, but I will never cheat. I won't risk my marriage. I love my husband and respect him first and foremost.

Everything that I wrote in my confession conveys only part of my life and experiences. There is a lot I cannot put into words and explain. Maybe someone can tell me a way out of this state? Yes, this is not as deplorable as many will think, but it really bothers me in my family life.

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