My father's depression affected my relationship with my boyfriend

My father's depression affected my relationship with my boyfriend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

MyMy father has been suffering from depression for a year now. This is a big problem for our family. He's really exhausting my mother, who simply can't live with him anymore, becauseFather's depression takes away all vital resources. Accordingly, I constantly listen to my mother, who thus alleviates her condition. This has been going on for a long time, but it didn’t have much of an impact on me until recently because it was fifteen-minute conversations once a day. But recently my boyfriend became depressed, and I'm in a stupor. I don’t want to repeat my mother’s fate and carry around a depressive carcass that will take energy from me.

In theory, I should be an understanding girl in this situation, but I immediately develop a bias towards my mother, who was understanding to my father, and he only began to take advantage of her condition more and more. I feel like I’m turning away from my boyfriend, and how tired I am of this whole situation with the fact that I have to always listen to someone, be strong for everyone, but I’m actually not strong at all, I also want to be weak for someone.

Mixed with all this is a feeling of guilt. When I was going through a difficult period, he helped me and pulled me out, but I can’t come to himhelp in a similar situation because it really annoys me.

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