Husband's children from first marriage

Husband's children from first marriage
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have been married to my husband for 6 years. I have children from my first marriage (18 and 16 years old) and he has children (20 and 15 years old). Both divorced long before we met. His firstwife came outgot married and decided to send the children to their father after hearing thathusband opened a business. The children moved to us with the question: “who will inherit the business?”

My children feel sorry for me and help me in everything, don’t meddle in business, behave as quietly and unnoticeably as possible, but his children create situations where they provoke me, throw their dirty things anywhere, knowing that I will wash them. My daughter is already 21 years old soon, she throws her dirty laundry in the bathroom and let everyone see. They don’t take care of themselves, much less help at all. I can’t tell her strictly, since she immediately sets uphusband against meMy son doesn’t sleep at night at the computer, he sleeps during the day. My husband gets angry with them on business, then at me I just have to say something, that I’m not satisfied with something.

When we decided to be together, there was no question that his children would live with us, that is, he knew what he was doing, that he would have to live with my children, but I didn’t know that my ex-wife would decide to arrange her life in this .

I’m thinking of getting a divorce, because I notice that my children have become a shadow, they are very modest and feel discomfort from managing the house of my husband’s children, who are trying with all their might to show that they are in charge here.

Please support me with at least words of support, I have no one to even discuss my situation with.

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