
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The mother of the author of the confession “Reward for Forgiveness” was very lucky that out of her four children at least one turned out to be human. Unfortunately, I was unlucky and my children didn’t need me.

I am 75 years old, more than respectable age, but until recently I managed on my own and did not ask anyone for help, moreover, I helped my sons as best I could. I have two of them with quite a big age difference.

The elder Egor now lives many thousands of kilometers away, and the younger Stepan is not far away, just a couple of stops on the minibus, but it seems that he is further than Egor. Both are married and have children. Oldermy daughter-in-law is a very affectionate and kind woman, everything is always smooth with her, but I was not so lucky with my younger daughter-in-law, she is very rough and stubborn, she is very categorical in all her opinions.

At first I tried to establish a relationship with my younger daughter-in-law.relationship , showed how wonderfully we get along as a family. For the first couple of years, everything seemed to be fine, until I somehow accidentally noticed that Stepan never invited Egor and his family to his house And then something came out of the younger daughter-in-law... That supposedly I got her already with my example of a standard daughter-in-law and an ideal grandson. Although before that it seemed to me that we had a good relationship. I burst into tears and ended the visit; I never heard an apology from either my daughter-in-law or my son, who took his wife’s side.

In those days, I told Marina (that’s the name of the eldest daughter-in-law) about the unfair treatment, she, of course, groaned, but wisely noted that you won’t be nice by force, and that time will put everything in its place, Stepan’s children will appear and they will come running to me. bow. And I began to communicate with my younger daughter-in-law exclusively on holidays, and she was happy and neutrally polite again.

Seven years have passed since then. Egor and Marina once again pleased me, but this time with their granddaughter. A boy is growing up in Stepan's family. But if I was with my eldest son’s grandchildren on sick leave, and picked me up from kindergarten and did homework, then no one called me to see my youngest grandson. No, didn’t turn me away, butThey didn’t call for help , and to be honest, I wasn’t eager. For what?

Financially, both sons live well, but we must admit that the younger one is better,His wife is a careerist herself and encourages Styopa, and it’s easier with one child. A little over a year ago, Egor lost a good job, for a long time he could not find something suitable for the money to pay the mortgage and support his family, and Marina was in no hurry to leave the second maternity leave, since her granddaughter turned out to be a completely non-kindergarten child. So I had to move to a place that offered good pay. Here they sold a mortgaged apartment, and there they bought it without additional payments.

Stepan and his wife live in a private house, it is solid, with all amenities, gas and electricity. The house is the daughter-in-law's dowry; a two-room apartment was bought from the general savings for the grandson to grow up with. And from the outside it seems that everything is fine with everyone. But it’s already hard for me alone, I need help in many ways, and recently I ended up in the hospital, it seemed like nothing serious, but somehow I became afraid. She began to ask to live with her sons. Egor flatly refused, and Marina was against it, it turns out that they had already taken her mother with them, there was nowhere for me to go. Stepan didn’t seem to refuse, he said he needed to consult with his wife. And this is what his wife advised him: they agree to take me in on the condition of a deed of gift for the apartment, and not just for their son, but immediately for their grandson. They say that my daughter-in-law will take care of me, but my husband will inherit the inheritance, which is unfair.

I burst out laughing and said: “Styopa, I have two sons and three grandchildren, I’ll divide the inheritance among everyone.” And so I received in response that if the inheritance is for everyone, then the departure from everyone, and so, whoever cares, the inheritance. And in general they don’t pretend, they have enough, Marina can inspect.

And it turned out that both the eldest son and the youngest did not need me.

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