My husband's childhood grievances

My husband's childhood grievances
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Mythe husband is from a poor large family and still cannot get rid of envy of more successful people.

There was almost never any money in the husband's family, they lived from hand to mouth, and no one even thought about teaching children. But the teacher helped my husband, saying that only study would give him what he is deprived of now. And he tried his best. After school, he left his parents, although they were categorically against it, because they expected that he would go to work. But he left, worked and studied in parallel.

Now he has a job, we are paying off a loan to the bank, but we have built a house. I also came out of maternity leave after the birth of my second child, it became easier financially. There is a car, not new, but quite normal. But the husband strives to catch up and overtake the rich people of our city. People who were helped by wealthy parents to get on their feet, bought a house and created a business.

I constantly tell him to learn to enjoy what he has. But he insists that his children will not live like him. And then there's test-antibiotic.commother called and asked to help with money forfather's treatment . Her husband insulted her, shouting that they had no right to demand money from him, since they could not even feed their children. He accused her of the fact that her mother only knew how to give birth, but could not earn. By the way, my husband's parents are normal people who do not drink, just believers, and therefore gave birth to children "how many God sent."

I made a remark to him that he spoke so rudely to his mother, and even in the presence of our children. My husband lost his temper, called me names, and now he has not spoken to me for a whole week. I can understand him, but resentment does not give rest. Secretly from him, I translated his mothermoney and asked not to tell her son about it. I'm very afraid that my husband will find out and then there will be a scandal.

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