The girl left and now wants to come back

The girl left and now wants to come back
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met a girl at a party that my friends hosted, rented a room and played electronic music. Even earlier, I noticed her at my university, they stood in the smoking room, exchanged glances, crossed paths a couple of times in bars, but did not speak to each other.

Then one day, while drinking, he and his girlfriend decided to talk to me. We exchanged a few words about studying and all that. I didn’t want to go home after the party, so I called a friend who had a freeapartment . My friend and I decided to invite her and her friend to join us, to which we received a positive response.

Nothing happened there, they slept in the same bed, but there was no sex. Well, how does it happen when you request to be added as a friend?social networks . Originatedcommunication , and soonrelationship . I want you to understand that I am careless by nature, I could stupidly not call for 2 days, because of this there were eternal scandals, that I am not interested in her, I don’t care about her at all, etc.

The relationship , I’ll tell you, was not only terrible, but super terrible. We are two stubborn sheep who rarely made concessions to each other. But a couple of times I still gave in to her, and she pretended to be offended, and said such phrases during a phone call: “Oh, I forgot that I was offended by you.” As a result, this continued for a long time.

Of course, I understand that I am not a gift either and I have many shortcomings, but even I can’t listenevery day how bad I am and that she is tired. Then she somehow got sick, and I decided to call and find out how she was feeling and all that. The answer was without a greeting or an answer, with a dissatisfied voice: “What do you want?” I got offended and hung up. About 50 calls began without interruption, to which I did not answer, then somehow I decided to answer, the dialogue was something like this: “Well, why have you cooled off? My answer: “Not really.” Having said “well, cool down,” she hung up.

Then, about 5 minutes later, I was walking into the car, and she called again and started with a frightened voice asking, “What is it, why are you reacting like that?” But what I answered was: “I’m busy.” And I realized that I had just been abandoned, and I reacted quite calmly. I was already exhaustedlemon , and I didn’t call back and ask to change my mind. About a week passed, and she wrote and inquired about my session, because I was almost expelled. The dialogue was about nothing, not a hint about us, they said good night and that was it.

Then a friend once asked me to pick up his girlfriend from a bus stop, because there was no transport, and she was on the other side of the city. I agreed and went. On the way, she asked to stop at a store and buy cigarettes. On the way back from the store, when I got into the car with her, my door opensgirl and asks how am I doing? I replied that it was fine. She slammed the door and left. I went to take a friend’s girlfriend, and the phone rang, she said that she had never met a worse person in her life, that she didn’t want to see me or know me, she called me names. I also tried to explain the situation to my friend, but she, of course, didn’t believe it. After her words, I blocked her page so that she wouldn’t write to me, and I didn’t answer the calls that came a little later.

4-5 days passed. I called. Answered. We talked and she invited us for a walk. I agreed and went. The conversation turned to us, and she said that she couldn’t live without me, I was very dear to her, that she couldn’t impose herself and call me every day, but she said something important for me: that she needs me, and she wants be with me. I said that I agree, I told her that I am almost 100% sure that during this time you had someone. She answered in the affirmative. I started asking questions and she said that she only went for walks with him, about 5 times. Hatred and anger filled me. Was there any answer to my questions?sex , she answered no. She said she wantedbring me back. What to do? Maybe try again or still not give it a chance, and wish her luck with whoever she was dating with

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