The girl was offended that I didn’t give her flowers for Valentine’s Day

The girl was offended that I didn’t give her flowers for Valentine’s Day
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day (February 14), and I'm in a fight with my girlfriend, and just about this.

Two years ago we met on this day in a cafe, and three months later we were already living together. Now I have added a dating day to Valentine’s Day. To tell the truth, I don’t think that gifts should be given only on such holidays, and I myselfThe holiday is not ours, it was invented by businessmen to make money. I often buy flowers for my girlfriend, but on this day the prices are so high that last year I decided not to buy them, but bought a set of cosmetics in advance. Nastya was very offended and said that they don’t skimp on love, that real men don’t act like that. And then my friends started posting on social media. networks of bouquets of roses, expensive gifts, which completely upset Nastya and she went to her parents. I felt very guilty, cursed myself for my stinginess, but nothing could be fixed.

We made up, butRelations remained strained for a long time. It got to the point,, that when I gave flowers just like that, Nastya simply threw them away, saying that they were not from the heart, but as if under duress. It was precisely because Nastya remembered the last holiday that we quarreled again. I ordered a bouquet for delivery, but I’m afraid that this will no longer help improve the relationship. I don’t regret anything for her, we relax where she wants, buy clothes, givemoney for small purchases. But I don’t understand what’s the point of overpaying for flowers on February 14th in order to throw away the bouquet just a couple of days later? OnI always give her a beautiful bouquet of roses on her birthday , because I think that this is her holiday, and not some fictitious one.

I remember my parents, mymy father never bothered with gifts, he gave my mother money and said: “buy yourself what you want.” I think this is correct -love does not depend on congratulations, it either exists or it doesn’t, and gifts are a secondary matter. And now I feel it will be like last year.

How to explain to your girlfriend that gifts on February 14 have nothing to do with love?

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