For my husband, I'm just the mother of his child.

For my husband, I'm just the mother of his child.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

For a long time after my divorce from my first husband, I lived alone, devoted all my strength to work, and, one might say, achieved good results. But life without a family is life without meaning, in my understanding. One fine day, I received an SMS on my phone with an offer to meet me.

A man from our town, 15 years older than me, good-looking, widower, son 7 years old. Somehow I immediately realized that thisman , Victor is exactly what I need. We started communicating, introduced me to my son and his parents, and found a common language with everyone.

On New Year's Day he proposed to me, and I accepted. And after a couple of days it turned out that Ipregnant _ He took this news normally and said that he would support any of my decisions. Without hesitation, I decided to give birth (I was 32 years old at that time).

Everyone supported me: my family, his parents, and his son, who was really looking forward to his brother. But Victor after a while (as soon as my figure began to change) stopped kissing me, then he stopped and hugging me,sex happened sometimes, and then he began to sleep on a separate bed. After the baby was born, I moved to another room. Victor works a lot, he needs to rest. We are neighbors now, all in different rooms. Our link is his son, he is very cheerful and spontaneouschild , loves us all very much, especially his younger brother and helps me a lot.

The baby is now 6 months old. Victor hasn’t kissed me (even on the cheek) or hugged me for a year, even when I asked him about it on my birthday . And last week I decided to talk to him, I wanted to get a little closer. On myWhen asked what happened to us, he answered me: “I treat you normally, as the mother of my child. In general, no offense, I have never liked fat women, the sight of them kills all desire in me. I’ve been hinting to you for a long time: exercise, eat less.” Before pregnancy, I weighed 64 kg with a height of 164, now I’m 67. I left the maternity hospital - 74 kg (too much, of course).

Almost a week has passed since this conversation, and I can’t move away, there’s a constant lump in my throat, my head feels like it’s being squeezed with hoops, I do everything automatically, I can’t look at my husband. I still don’t know how to live further, I only want one thing – for him to regret his words. I’m writing this and I’m getting scared because it’s going to . Or did she not exist? I understand that what keeps him with me is only his decency (he is a fairly respected person) and his eldest son Stas (it is bad to deprive a child of his mother for the second time). What to do next? Wait? Lose weight? Forgive everything? I’m embarrassed to share it with my friends, so I wrote my ownconfession here.

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