The daughter left a good guy and is crying

The daughter left a good guy and is crying
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The daughter is 19, her ex-boyfriend is the same age. They dated for a whole yearDuring this time, the guy , one might say, became a member of our family. His parents seemed to accept her too. The last time he came was last night, and they sat in her room. After midnight he left, and the next morning she told my husband and me that they had separated. Like a bolt from the blue.

She and I have more or less trustrelationship , and we asked her what happened. She said there was some problem that she didn't want to talk about. Something wasn't going well in bed. We didn’t ask questions, but she said that they honestly tried to solve the problem, but to no avail.

In general, in her words, they parted beautifully, although she cried for half a day today. And in the evening she went to her friends and they seemed to console her. Yes andThe guy probably has a hard time too.

I’m not encouraging her to get married at all - after all, at the age of 19 you need to study, and not think about family. Still, I'm shocked.

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